Sophie comes home

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Sophie comes home

Postby Srijita » Sat Apr 25, '09, 7:52 pm

Has anyone seen the news item about the blue heeler dog who was washed overboard and separated from her family during a boating trip? "Sophie Tucker" apparently swam 6 miles to a remote island, where she survived for four months, hunting for her own food. Upon being reunited with her family, she made a seamless return to life as a house dog.

I'm amazed at her adaptability. Her story is like Jack London's novels The Call of the Wild and White Fang rolled into one.

Overboard dog comes home after 4 months on island

Follow-up story
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Re: Sophie comes home

Postby Thoul » Mon Apr 27, '09, 1:06 pm

Wow, that's an amazing story. Most dogs certainly wouldn't be able to survive that long. It's really something that the dog was able to revert to being a pet so quickly, too.
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Re: Sophie comes home

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Apr 27, '09, 8:50 pm

Srijita, thanks for posting that story link. I loved that happy ending. Almost made me cry. Especially the part about how the dog was so excited and couldn't wait to get back to her family at the end. That was awesome! Smart dog to survive that way and that long, and even swimming to other places the way it said the dog must have.

Very heartwarming story! :clap:

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