Something that always puzzled me about PSIII.

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Postby Thoul » Tue Aug 7, '07, 6:42 am

That makes sense about Lyle keeping secrets. He seems to like Rhys, but never fully trusts him.

The Lashute people weren't totally friendly even in the first visit. They were less hostile, but Rulakir was still corrupted and throwing off black waves.

Tsunami wrote:Though, Ayn, Crys and Sean are part Layan, and yet they are excluded from entry. :p

They're also descendants of Orakio himself, though. So, they share some genes with his brother Rulakir, one person Laya would definitely want to keep out of the temple.
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Postby Tsunami » Tue Aug 7, '07, 7:50 am

Thoul wrote:
Tsunami wrote:Though, Ayn, Crys and Sean are part Layan, and yet they are excluded from entry. :p

They're also descendants of Orakio himself, though. So, they share some genes with his brother Rulakir, one person Laya would definitely want to keep out of the temple.

Yes, I know this. However, I think this applies to all Orakians and not just those of Orakio's bloodline.

What I'm getting at is if people forgot about the existance of other worlds, then that in itself implies that there's no way to travel from dome to dome. (with the exception of of two passages, and one's hidden) To say that only Layans could use Laya's palaces would mean that Laya had never closed them up in the first place...since I reckon that was most likely how Laya and her people got around the Alisa III in the Devastation War. So then, it'd be an inconsistancy because Laya didn't do her part in blocking off the palaces. Right? :D
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Postby The $ Avenger » Wed Aug 8, '07, 12:54 am

Thoul wrote:The Lashute people weren't totally friendly even in the first visit. They were less hostile, but Rulakir was still corrupted and throwing off black waves.
That answers that!

Tsunami wrote:Yes, I know this. However, I think this applies to all Orakians and not just those of Orakio's bloodline.

What I'm getting at is if people forgot about the existance of other worlds, then that in itself implies that there's no way to travel from dome to dome. (with the exception of of two passages, and one's hidden) To say that only Layans could use Laya's palaces would mean that Laya had never closed them up in the first place...since I reckon that was most likely how Laya and her people got around the Alisa III in the Devastation War. So then, it'd be an inconsistancy because Laya didn't do her part in blocking off the palaces. Right? :D
Maybe the palaces weren't sealed at all when she made them, and her sealing involved sealing them to all but full-blooded Layans? Perhaps she created the palaces for the convenience of everyone to avoid the passages, and all could use them before the Devastation War. With this explanation she wouldn't be negligent, and all the PSIII heroes, and the Lashute dome would be unable to use them.
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Postby Thoul » Wed Aug 8, '07, 3:03 am

Maybe the palaces weren't sealed at all when she made them, and her sealing involved sealing them to all but full-blooded Layans?

Yeah, that was the impression I had from the palaces early on, too. Then they introduced the pendant and it wasn't clear to me if the palaces were sealed to everyone or only Layans.
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Re: Something that always puzzled me about PSIII.

Postby H-Man » Mon Oct 11, '10, 3:03 pm

Here's something that puzzles me: How does Lyle give his consent and blessing to Ayn and Thea's union if he's dead? Did he come back as a disembodied voice a la Obi Wan Kenobi?
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Re: Something that always puzzled me about PSIII.

Postby hugues » Mon Oct 11, '10, 3:51 pm

H-Man wrote:Here's something that puzzles me: How does Lyle give his consent and blessing to Ayn and Thea's union if he's dead? Did he come back as a disembodied voice a la Obi Wan Kenobi?

It's a bad translation - the original says something to the effect of "on behalf of Lyle". I suspect the team doing the translation had no idea what order the dialog occurred in.
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Re: Something that always puzzled me about PSIII.

Postby Apprentice_of_Crys » Thu Apr 26, '12, 11:18 pm

Okay, but still the question is how Maia got to Landen. I can't imagine that she went through water pipes either. Since you already mentioned, she couldn't have survive it. Or at least her mind had been damaged a lot more than just suffering from amnesia. Simply because of the lack of oxygen.

One clue could be that the sunken temple where Dark Force is trapped seems to be very close to the shores where Rhys found Maia. If the cultists in LaShute had some kind of magical influence it would be plausible for me that this influence could also exist near Dark Force's prison.

So here is my weird and wild speculation: The magical 1.000 years are almost over. DFs powers are growing. Rulakir's and Dark Force's people possess at least one keystone, the stone which opens the passage from Terminus to Aridia. From Aridia they can travel without a stone to Aquatica. They capture Maia and knock her out. Later, they use their powers to teleport her in some way to the sunken palace.
Here things get difficult: Why should they do this and why to Maia? Maybe Rulakir wants to sacrifice her as a high Layan princess to DF but she can escape. She stays a long time underwater and her memories get hurt, resulting in temporary amnesia. Or: The worshippers transport to Landen in order to enable Rhys to find her. In the English translation (okay, not a good source, i know ;)) they mention something like "You fools did everything we wanted" and "We needed Rhys to bring back the moons." So I guess it could have been planned by them that Rhys found her. But if this was their plan then it would be a really really far-fetched one. :faint:

Sorry for this weird ideas. Just some strange theories on a very unlikely event that happened in the game. I simply believe that their is a connection between LaShute's schemes, DF's sunken palace and Maia found on the shores close to the palace.

:dizzy: And now my brain is twisting...
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Re: Something that always puzzled me about PSIII.

Postby Thoul » Fri Apr 27, '12, 2:03 am

Now that you mention it, I also think Maia's appearance in Landen was part of the LaShute schemes. They do indeed say that Rhys and his son was playing into LaShute's hands all along. Consider this: LaShute wanted Rhys to bring the moons back, but to do that Rhys needed the Moon Stone and Moon Tear. Who had them?

Lyle had one of those jewels and Lena had the other. So one is with Orakio's people and another with Laya's, separated by the long years of war and sealed domes. The only way to restore the moons was to get people from the two sides to work together somehow. Maia could have been used as a tool to get Lyle into action, then to get the love-sick Rhys to follow Lyle and Maia as a way of getting Lena to follow them. That makes Lena the real target, ultimately. Either it's really convoluted or those guys in LaShute are geniuses when it comes to manipulating people! :lol:

I can't see Orakio and Laya letting the LaShute crew have one of the key stones, though. I suppose LaShute operatives might have obtained it later somehow. :hmm: It would explain a lot if LaShute's people can come and go between the domes early on.

Apprentice_of_Crys wrote:Later, they use their powers to teleport her in some way to the sunken palace.

They wouldn't even need powers. Someone said on page one that the Twins' Ruby was originally in Hazatak. LaShute operatives could have stolen it, taken Maia to Landen, and then passed the Ruby on to Lyle.
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Re: Something that always puzzled me about PSIII.

Postby Sain Cai » Tue Mar 11, '14, 4:35 pm

Here is my hypothetical situation :D

Maia got tired of the constant wars between the Layans and Orakians, thus decided to leave Cille. Going through the 2 ruins, she meets Lyle who is traveling back from the Weather Station as their homeland is under ice. Being knowledgeable, he knows only Wren Cyborgs can fix the station (perhaps traveling to the western cave), so decides to help Maia escape and form his own plan.

Seeing how we know Lyle is a thief (he did steal the Sapphire), and from what I have read on the translations about the Twins Ruby, it isnt unreasonable to assume he stole that as well. Now perhaps Maia now controls the Twins Ruby and they travel to Landen. Assuming that the talk about Landen and Cille being the respective capitals of Orakio & Laya, heading there for a direct descendant to control Wrens is logical.

I dont see Lyle as an Orakio hater, given he did travel all the way with Rhys, but of course would need to gain the trust of Rhys by helping him rescue Maia. He "kidnaps" Maia whom he brings to the southern cave they came to Landen in, then steals the Sapphire and gets caught, perhaps on purpose. We know the cave wouldnt hold him, since he simply escapes the isle after giving the jewel to Rhys. Once he gives the Sapphire to Rhys, that would make him have to travel through his homeland so he could see the state it is in.

Lyle and Maia then go through Aridia where Maia goes back home, knowing that Rhys is coming for her and potentially ending the wars, Lyle heads to the Weather Control Station to await Rhys and Wren in hopes to get his homeland fixed and also end the wars.
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Postby Icecypher » Thu Sep 11, '14, 8:59 pm

Tsunami wrote:You know what puzzles me about PSIII? I have no clue what kind of weather they had, if any. No idea if it rained, snowed, anything. Don't know if there were seasons, nadda. Although, the fact that the climate can change (like what happened to Aquatica) would make me believe that there could possibly be the least.

I also think they had rain. Just like Mother Brain's climate control on PS II, the weather control here would not only make sure the temperature was stable (I do not think they would need seasons, they could have a "perennial" spring), but also regulate rain patterns.

What happened to Aquatica was because of a malfunction, so the temperature went out of control.

As some kind of proof that there is rain, we can see clouds in some battle backgrounds.
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