Some Dragon Spirit music.

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Some Dragon Spirit music.

Postby Bragatyr » Sat Feb 16, '13, 12:35 am

I really loved this game as a kid, and this song. I actually just got around to beating it the other day. I couldn't get past like the third level way back when, but after a friend of mine got me to play a bunch of bullet hell games I found it a little more forgiving. Anyway, just another very simple piano cover, but I've got a lot more Dragon Spirit stuff on my mind that will be using some heavier instrumentation. I hope there are some Dragon Spirit fans here. I know R-90-2 likes shooters!
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Re: Some Dragon Spirit music.

Postby myau56 » Sat Feb 16, '13, 8:15 am

Great music ! Simple piano track but that is why it's great ! I've tested this Dragon Spirit not so far ago and that is a great game ! I'm not totally in Shooting games but that is great. You'(ve finished the game ? Cool ! I don't think I'll succeed in finishing it one day but why not ? :fiery:
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Re: Some Dragon Spirit music.

Postby Bragatyr » Sat Feb 16, '13, 3:28 pm

Thank you very much, man. Yeah, the game is really an overlooked gem, as far as I'm concerned. It's worth playing through for just the music alone. It's one of the few video game soundtracks I know outside of Castlevania and Mega Man that has a consistently amazing soundtrack, down to the last track. I'm not really a huge fan of shooters, either, but this game just has a special charm.
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Re: Some Dragon Spirit music.

Postby myau56 » Sat Feb 16, '13, 9:36 pm

No need to thanks me ! Ah Castlevania soundtracks ! Especially Yamane Michiru work on Symphony of the Night !
I'm surely not too fond of shooters because I'm such a bad player ! :lol: But I don't care as for me video games si FUN before all !
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Re: Some Dragon Spirit music.

Postby Bragatyr » Mon Apr 8, '13, 6:06 am

Well, I finally have some music in a full band setting, and I figured I would post it in this topic, since it's Dragon Spirit related. It's a hard rock cover of the Dragon Spirit intro by my new video game cover band, Galda's Revenge. My good friend The Knifemaster did the excellent guitar and drum work, and I did the bass and keyboard stuff, as usual. Please check it out, and tell me what you think. I did a little more with the video than usual, so fans of the game will recognize an homage to what I consider one of the coolest scenes from NES opening history.
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Re: Some Dragon Spirit music.

Postby R-90-2 » Tue Apr 9, '13, 8:48 pm

Yes indeed, I do like shmups- just wish I was better at them. :)
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Re: Some Dragon Spirit music.

Postby myau56 » Tue Apr 9, '13, 9:10 pm

Excellent, this Dragon Spirit intro ! Good work from your new video game cover band, Galda's Revenge ! :)
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Re: Some Dragon Spirit music.

Postby augmentedfourth » Fri Apr 12, '13, 3:19 pm

Awesome stuff! I love how all the layers are gradually added and build on each other.

(And I'm still envious of the drum track, as I was never any good at those. :D )
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Re: Some Dragon Spirit music.

Postby Bragatyr » Sat Apr 13, '13, 1:58 am

Thank you, everyone! I was really excited to do something a little different this time. I've been working on my keyboarding for so long I was glad to just break out the bass. And augmentedfourth, I think it is safe to say that The Knifemaster is a little better at making drum tracks than I am (ha ha); he was a drum captain in high school, and he creates some really amazing drum lines. I'm looking forward to seeing what he does on future tracks. He used to do the most amazing stuff when we were playing more progressive music.

R-90-2, I enjoy the shmups, too, but I'm terrible at them! I think they were created for people with better eyesight than mine. I can't see all the little microscopic fireballs of death that are trying to destroy me. They usually have awesome soundtracks, too. I'm pretty sure this is the first song from a shooter I've worked on, but I hope it won't be the last.

And thank you again, myau56! I think we're going to do some Mega Man music next, so watch out for that!
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Re: Some Dragon Spirit music.

Postby Aeroprism » Sat Apr 13, '13, 3:32 pm

Very nice work! The full cover is very pleasant to listen to, I'd very much like to head more of your band. I have great admiration for people who can play live, it's much more difficult than doing it in a virtual studio.

I've never played Dragon Spirit so I can't really relate to the original. the only feeling I got was that this song begged to kick in and start unleashing but was cut short. Does the game theme eventually change or speed up or is it pretty much that? (I'll emulate and find out!)

As for the initial video, I liked the simple piano track but I would personally have slashed the reverb in half.

We should try doing a collab sometimes.
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