So what happens to Thea?

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So what happens to Thea?

Postby Thoul » Tue Jul 3, '07, 6:25 pm

In PSIII, we know that in Ayn's quest, Siren attacks Cille and Shusoran, and that Thea is captured during those attacks, later to be rescued by Ayn. But if Rhys marries Lena, Siren still attacks and Thea is still captured. There's no Ayn around to save her, though. What do you think happened there?
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Re: So what happens to Thea?

Postby The $ Avenger » Tue Jul 3, '07, 11:52 pm

I wonder what happens to Maia too, but as to Thea, I imagine that it wouldn't turn out too well for her. I'd guess she wouldn't survive the war and imprisonment. I'd like to know what the reasoning is behind Siren collecting hostages in the first place, (in both scenarios); I don't think he wants a ransom. It's been a long time since I've played this one, and can't remember if the game said anything about it. :?
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Re: So what happens to Thea?

Postby Tsunami » Wed Jul 4, '07, 4:17 am

Thoul wrote:In PSIII, we know that in Ayn's quest, Siren attacks Cille and Shusoran, and that Thea is captured during those attacks, later to be rescued by Ayn. But if Rhys marries Lena, Siren still attacks and Thea is still captured. There's no Ayn around to save her, though. What do you think happened there?

There's a key item that tells a story of its own; the Twins' Ruby. Ryan is in possession of this item in Nial's time, however, Thea has it in Ayn's path.

I believe that Ryan saved Thea and she gave him the Twins' Ruby, and as to what happened from there, I also believe that Lune's involved. Why else would Ryan go as far as to start a rebellion against Lune, who's a renowned hero of the Layan people?

I did quite a bit of writing and research on this, myself, after reading someone else's theory and finding many holes in their idea.

The Komrade wrote:I wonder what happens to Maia too, but as to Thea, I imagine that it wouldn't turn out too well for her. I'd guess she wouldn't survive the war and imprisonment. I'd like to know what the reasoning is behind Siren collecting hostages in the first place, (in both scenarios); I don't think he wants a ransom. It's been a long time since I've played this one, and can't remember if the game said anything about it. :?

From what I can tell, there's really no hints as far as Maia goes. However, I think that if Rhys doesn't marry Maia, Lyle does. (yes, they're cousins, but so are Thea and Ayn and royalty obviously intermarries :D) Why else would Lyle go to great lengths for Maia? Was it just a sense of loyalty and devotion, would there have been love behind his actions, driving him to keep pressing on?

With that in consideration, Thea may not have been the same girl that was recsued by Ayn, but rather, another version of Thea. (like Kara, there's the delicate princess version and the hardened warrior version, depending on which path you chose in the beginning)
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Re: So what happens to Thea?

Postby The $ Avenger » Thu Jul 5, '07, 12:41 am

Yes, I agree that Ryan would most certainly be involved.

Tsunami, being the resident PSIII guru, I assume you're referring to the "Thea Theories," (I've read some of your ideas on it on your site,) what do you think about that argument in regard to the two Karas? There is some physical resemblance with the fast-leveling Kara and Thea, though isn't that Kara the one present in the Nial generation tree? When I read those "Theories", there seemed to be some conflicting ideas...

:misspeak: On second thought, I'm not going to offer any strong opinions because I haven't played in a few years and can't remember the generational breakdown in regard to the intricacies.
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Re: So what happens to Thea?

Postby Tsunami » Thu Jul 5, '07, 3:36 am

The Komrade wrote:Tsunami, being the resident PSIII guru, I assume you're referring to the "Thea Theories," (I've read some of your ideas on it on your site,) what do you think about that argument in regard to the two Karas? There is some physical resemblance with the fast-leveling Kara and Thea, though isn't that Kara the one present in the Nial generation tree? When I read those "Theories", there seemed to be some conflicting ideas...

:misspeak: On second thought, I'm not going to offer any strong opinions because I haven't played in a few years and can't remember the generational breakdown in regard to the intricacies.

There are resemblances between the Kara in Nial's path and Thea, yes. They both have Heal techs and level quickly; though differ since Kara doesn't have Melee techs though has Order techs and ends up being a better tech user. :p

I do believe that Thea is Kara's mother in Nial's time. However, it can't really be comfirmed in the game itself since there is no mention made of Kara's mother, except a quote from when Nial chooses Alair that gives us a clue:
Alair and Nial soon had a son they named Aron; Lune married and had a daughter he named Kara.

The fact that Lune named her suggests that Kara's mother possibly died during childbirth. So with this in mind, and if Thea is indeed Kara's mother, then it explains why we never see Kara's mother in the 3rd generation.

As for the other path, the same could probably be said regarding warrior Kara since her mother is nowhere in sight. My guess is that her mother is possibly someone from Aerone, since in the Japanese version, Aerone's a Layan town. (I highly doubt that Lune would've taken interest with someone from Divisia; they're Orakians and he was at war with the Orakians of Landen) I've read theories that suggest that warrior Kara is perhaps half Orakian since she has pretty weak techs, but I doubt it since that would've gone against Lune's character, in my opinion.

When it comes to PSIII, it leaves a lot of room for imagination. :D
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Re: So what happens to Thea?

Postby Thoul » Thu Jul 5, '07, 11:10 pm

The Komrade wrote:I wonder what happens to Maia too

Along those lines, I've been thinking lately that maybe Ryan is Maia's kid. There's not really anything to support the idea, but it could be a reason for him to try to rescue Thea. We do get to see Lena's non-Rhys child, so why not Maia's, too?

The Komrade wrote:I'd like to know what the reasoning is behind Siren collecting hostages in the first place, (in both scenarios); I don't think he wants a ransom.

I don't recall anything being said about it in the game, but I imagine it was to get the Twins Ruby and spread his armies to the other domes. As far as I remember, the only hostage taken was Thea, and the only thing special about her to Siren would have been the Ruby.

Tsunami wrote:From what I can tell, there's really no hints as far as Maia goes. However, I think that if Rhys doesn't marry Maia, Lyle does. (yes, they're cousins, but so are Thea and Ayn and royalty obviously intermarries :D) Why else would Lyle go to great lengths for Maia? Was it just a sense of loyalty and devotion, would there have been love behind his actions, driving him to keep pressing on?

He might have gone after her just because she was his cousin. She's family... that's a good motivator. Whatever the reason, I agree it does make sense for them to marry if no one else is involved. Ayn and Thea, like you said. :)

At any rate, I also think Thea would be a different person, in terms of personality if nothing else.
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Re: So what happens to Thea?

Postby The $ Avenger » Fri Jul 6, '07, 12:04 am

Tsunami, those are some great, plausible ideas about Kara. If you do add to the story, I'm sure you'll do a fine job!

Thoul wrote:Along those lines, I've been thinking lately that maybe Ryan is Maia's kid. There's not really anything to support the idea, but it could be a reason for him to try to rescue Thea. We do get to see Lena's non-Rhys child, so why not Maia's, too?

That's an interesting idea! I think that would make a great tie-in, like you pointed out, we don't get to hear anything else about Maia if Rhys doesn't marry her, (but we do here about Lena if Rhys DOES marry Maia.) As Tsunami said, there's a lot of room for imagination on PSIII since Sega defaulted on the story in most areas.

As for Siren taking hostages, I just wonder why he didn't simply kill her, since she doesn't seem to have any use to him alive, and he has no problems killing all sorts of other Layans.
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Re: So what happens to Thea?

Postby Tsunami » Fri Jul 6, '07, 3:11 pm

Thoul wrote:
The Komrade wrote:I wonder what happens to Maia too

Along those lines, I've been thinking lately that maybe Ryan is Maia's kid. There's not really anything to support the idea, but it could be a reason for him to try to rescue Thea. We do get to see Lena's non-Rhys child, so why not Maia's, too?

Ryan couldn't be Maia's son. He's 35 years old. :o I believe that perhaps he's from Cille or Shusoran, though. I'll definitely have to get my fanfiction up regarding this.

Thoul wrote:
Tsunami wrote:From what I can tell, there's really no hints as far as Maia goes. However, I think that if Rhys doesn't marry Maia, Lyle does. (yes, they're cousins, but so are Thea and Ayn and royalty obviously intermarries :D) Why else would Lyle go to great lengths for Maia? Was it just a sense of loyalty and devotion, would there have been love behind his actions, driving him to keep pressing on?

He might have gone after her just because she was his cousin. She's family... that's a good motivator. Whatever the reason, I agree it does make sense for them to marry if no one else is involved. Ayn and Thea, like you said. :)

At any rate, I also think Thea would be a different person, in terms of personality if nothing else.

I have to agree. I'd like to think that she still has those pretty emerald locks, at least. :D

EDIT: Forgot to reply to Komrade. :oops:
The Komrade wrote:Tsunami, those are some great, plausible ideas about Kara. If you do add to the story, I'm sure you'll do a fine job!

Thoul wrote:Along those lines, I've been thinking lately that maybe Ryan is Maia's kid. There's not really anything to support the idea, but it could be a reason for him to try to rescue Thea. We do get to see Lena's non-Rhys child, so why not Maia's, too?

That's an interesting idea! I think that would make a great tie-in, like you pointed out, we don't get to hear anything else about Maia if Rhys doesn't marry her, (but we do here about Lena if Rhys DOES marry Maia.) As Tsunami said, there's a lot of room for imagination on PSIII since Sega defaulted on the story in most areas.

As for Siren taking hostages, I just wonder why he didn't simply kill her, since she doesn't seem to have any use to him alive, and he has no problems killing all sorts of other Layans.

The way I look at it, and Thoul had a good idea too, is perhaps Thea was 'bait,' if you will. Her abduction could've been linked with Siren trying to force Layans out of hiding so he could finish them off. Although, I think the Twins' Ruby idea is very plausible, too, since Siren may have planned on gaining more Orakian supporters in Landen.
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Re: So what happens to Thea?

Postby The $ Avenger » Sat Jul 7, '07, 12:33 am

Tsunami wrote:Ryan couldn't be Maia's son. He's 35 years old. :o I believe that perhaps he's from Cille or Shusoran, though. I'll definitely have to get my fanfiction up regarding this.
:misspeak: Yeah, that's a bit of a hangup! You've both got some good ideas about Siren. That is a decent way to lure some Layans out on some kind of rescue effort.
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Re: So what happens to Thea?

Postby Thoul » Sun Jul 8, '07, 3:50 am

35? I had no idea he was so old. He must be around the same age as Lyle or Rhys.

Well, that would rule out that idea. Ah well, I guess he'd just be a soldier or friend of the family after all then.
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