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Postby Neithird » Wed Oct 17, '07, 6:43 am

Anyone watch this show? I try to watch it each week, but I usually forget and miss most or all of it. It has some really great actors, though a lot of them have left the show in more recent seasons.
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Postby Thoul » Wed Oct 17, '07, 11:35 am

I've tried to watch it a few times. It's okay, but I usually only see it in re-runs. I did watch the episodes with Chris Reeve, since that was some of his first TV work after his accident.

I hear Dean Cain is going to be on it this week. I may try to catch that. I enjoyed his run as Superman, so it will be interesting to see what kind of role he is playing in this series.
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Postby Neithird » Thu Oct 18, '07, 4:05 am

If it wasn't for re-runs, I would probably never see a complete episode either! ;) I'm just so used to not tuning in to watch anything on Thursday that I always forget about Smallville coming on.

I liked when they started introducing other heroes in the last few seasons. Flash, Green Arrow, Aquaman, and all those. Now they have Supergirl, which I hope will make for an interesting story.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Oct 19, '07, 7:57 pm

Well, I just happened to be near a television set last night when "Smallville" came on so I watched as much of the show as I could. Dean Cain is a very good incentive to get someone to watch a show. :wink:

I don't usually watch Smallville, so I had no idea what has been going on there. I did watch the first few seasons, but drifted away after that. It has changed a bit, needless to say. I didn't see Martha or Jonathan Kent anywhere - are they still around?

Anyway, I did enjoy the show last night. Dean Cain did an exceptional job, in my opinion. He is a wonderful actor. He has just been typecast as "Superman" no matter how many other roles he has undertaken to try and move on from that all important role.

Dean was terrific as an evil "immortal", and I am wondering if we have seen the last of him on that show - or not. Afterall, they did say he was "immortal". :yes:

However, I did not like some of the evil acts (or language) that his character did or committed, but there again, did he do them for love - and how can you get really mad at a guy when he is only doing evil for someone he loves? Even if he is misguided and has done wrong - he did it for love. It's a real tear jerker and heart breaker to me, and even he shed tears after his love really died. It made me feel so sorry for him, and I could almost understand his anger and rage at the ones interferring in his work. :fiery: To think that you could almost understand someone's pain and fury in that way is really quite scary too, but I think the writers may have wanted us to "feel his pain". What do you think? Is this the classic sign of a "enemy with a heart" who starts "evil" but later does a turnaround and becomes a "hero" or good guy of sorts? Interesting possibility and thought as long as Dean Cain is playing this role. :clap:

I didn't notice the other characters in the show all that much. For some reason, I really like this Lex Luthor guy and he seems to have evolved a great deal during all these years I have not been watching this show. He's a great match for Superman, I think.

The guy playing the role of Superman is still doing a great job too. I think they should let him play the role of Superman in a big screen movie too. He could do a good job, I think.

First time for me to see the young "Jimmy Olson" and I like him too. His blond friend that walked away from him in the end is absolutely nuts! :dizzy: Most of the gals seem nutty - even the smart one that is secretly watching Lex Luthor, or whatever it is she was doing.

I suppose that was "Supergirl" who flew off into the night - what is her problem - wait, I'm not sure I even want to know. And, lastly, who is that guy that seems to know Jor-El and whom Supergirl seems to detest - smells like trouble to me. Not enough to get me to watch regularly, though, unless there is more Dean Cain. :rofl:

One more note - I really like the spot Dean did at the end of the show about the Chris / Dana Reeve foundation. That was cool! :clap:

Another note - I had to change some of my wording in this post because I triggered the word censor. :fiery: So some of the language has been cleaned up a bit. :rofl:

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Postby Neithird » Sat Oct 20, '07, 5:13 am

I made a point of watching last night too. That was a really good episode. I'm glad I was able to catch it from the start.

Secret_Surfer wrote:I didn't see Martha or Jonathan Kent anywhere - are they still around?

Jonathan died. :gloomy: I believe it happened at the end of the season before last. Martha is off somewhere. I think she's a senator now. Jonathan was running for senator before his death and I think she is filling his term. I'm not really sure on that.

Secret_Surfer wrote:Dean was terrific as an evil "immortal", and I am wondering if we have seen the last of him on that show - or not. Afterall, they did say he was "immortal". :yes:

I wouldn't be surprised at all. :) I was talking with some other people about his role and we all agreed that he was a lot like a comic character called Vandal Savage. The immortal, organ harvesting... that's very Vandal Savage.

I felt for him a little too, but not too much. Trying to save someone for love is nice, but killing people to steal their organs not so much.

For some reason, I really like this Lex Luthor guy and he seems to have evolved a great deal during all these years I have not been watching this show.

He's one of my favorites in the show. He can be really mean at times and really nice at others. I find him to be very human, in a sympathetic kind of way.

Most of the gals seem nutty - even the smart one that is secretly watching Lex Luthor, or whatever it is she was doing.

That was Lana, there at the end. She was married to Luthor last season, but faked her death to get out of it. I'm not quite sure why... I missed that.

I suppose that was "Supergirl" who flew off into the night - what is her problem - wait, I'm not sure I even want to know. And, lastly, who is that guy that seems to know Jor-El and whom Supergirl seems to detest - smells like trouble to me.

Yeah, that was Supergirl. She's still a bit of mystery, so I'm not sure what her problem there was. She clearly didn't like that guy. He's Martian Manhunter from comics, btw. Shapeshifting guy from Mars with most of Superman's powers plus telepathy. I think their conflict will be a subject of future episodes.

One more note - I really like the spot Dean did at the end of the show about the Chris / Dana Reeve foundation. That was cool! :clap:

Yeah! I was not expecting that, but I am glad it was there. Say, has anyone here donated and gotten some of those tags he was talking about?
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Postby Thoul » Sat Oct 20, '07, 9:13 am

Cain did a great job. He played the role in a very believable way. The bit about watching everyone die as he lived on was good; he really shone in that. The Jack the Ripper line was good, too.

I was a bit disappointed with the foundation plug at the end. He was clearly reading it off cue cards. I'm glad he gave the foundation some air time, but it would have come across as more heartfelt if he was saying it instead of reading it.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Nov 9, '07, 4:45 pm

Well, I think I am hooked on "Smallville" again. :lol:

I watched it again last night, and it was pretty darn good. Maybe it was because there was really nothing else on TV to watch last night though, in my opinion.

I don't much like Lana (Lang???), and especially not with super powers :yuck:
Although I think we did see Lois Lane last night and she might be interesting, but I always thought of her as having dark hair and this girl had blond hair. :o

I dig Lex Luthor more than Superman, I think. :yes: Lex seems to be really smart and sometimes not so mean. Superman just seems to not be with it sometimes, or something :dunce: . I can't figure it out. Clark and Lana make an interesting couple, I suppose, but I think Lex was right when he told Lana they make an even better couple. He should have really decked her though when she threw him across the room. :lol:

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Postby SparkyIII » Fri Nov 9, '07, 6:37 pm

I watched it up to a point but I haven't ever liked these Superman shows, or anything like them. So I stayed with what I'd seen and gave up on it. lol
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Postby Neithird » Fri Nov 9, '07, 7:26 pm

I didn't watch this episode. They've done the power transfer thing three or four times now I think and it's getting old. :bored: I don't like the Lana character much either, so I avoid episodes centered on her. :wink:
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Postby Thoul » Sat Nov 10, '07, 1:17 am

Secret_Surfer wrote:Although I think we did see Lois Lane last night and she might be interesting, but I always thought of her as having dark hair and this girl had blond hair. :o

Long hair or short hair? Lois has long hair, but it usually brown on the show. There's another girl with blond hair, but it's short.

I didn't watch this episode. I was going to, but I started playing my GameBoy and wound up paying more attention to that than the TV.
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