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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Sep 22, '08, 1:04 am

Shucks, I missed the new episode of Smallville too. Isn't it a little early for the new season to start already. I know it's September already, but still!!!! Oh well, I guess I'll have to catch it when they show reruns. If they show reruns.

Thoul, I absolutely agree with you in regards to the CW and their support for shows that are ending. I was a great fan of the show "7th Heaven" which had been on the CW but went to the WB when they switched over. "7th Heaven" was the longest running family drama show on TV (over 10 years) and had been on the CW / WB for the entire run. During that last season, however, I felt the show didn't get the respect it deserved from the network. The show could have went another year (or possibly longer), but no cigar. Many "7th Heaven" fans were very upset over the way the network handled the entire situation.

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Postby luke » Mon Sep 22, '08, 2:36 pm

i hate 7th heaven strictly because in high school (pre-spock-haircut) everyone told me i looked like whatever guy with long hair.
cooper, today you remind me of a small mexican chihuahua
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Oct 4, '08, 10:54 pm

luke wrote:i hate 7th heaven strictly because in high school (pre-spock-haircut) everyone told me i looked like whatever guy with long hair.

Hmmm, the only guy I can think of that had long hair on "7th Heaven" was the character "Matt". Not sure if that is who you are talking about or not. Anyway, if it's him, he has short hair now. And, he's a very nice looking person either way, I think. So, perhaps the kids were paying you a compliment.

Sometimes high school'ers can be annoying, I think. :yaknow:

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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Oct 4, '08, 10:59 pm

Caught a little bit of "Smallville" the other night. Not enough to really get what the story was all about, except that Green Arrow was in it again. And, some woman has taken over Luther's business, etc. Clark (Superman) is still afraid of flying, or whatever (What's wrong with him????), and Cloy has taken over Lana Lang's old place and going nuts it looks like. Lois is still crazy over Ollie (Green Arrow), and Clark still doesn't have a clue. :wink:

What happened to Jimmy Olson, is he still there? If so, I guess I missed him.

The show just isn't the same without Lex Luthor! :evil: :fiery:

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Postby Thoul » Sun Oct 5, '08, 7:10 pm

I managed to see most of it this week, and yeah, it's really confusing after having not seen those few episodes we all missed. It seems like Clark is now a reporter all of a sudden. They avoided that for so long that I was sure it was never going to happen in this show.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Oct 16, '08, 9:14 pm

Smallville fans, don't forget the show comes on again tonight. :wink:

Last week's episode was pretty good. Maxima (sp?) was on and searching for her perfect mate (Kal El) and killing everyone else she kissed (except Jimmy Olsen who survived thanks to Clark's help) while she was hunting for her mate. Maxima got sent off into the wild blue yonder, so to speak, by Kal El, though, but somehow I don't think we have seen the last of her yet. Remember the old saying "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned". :wink:

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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Nov 13, '08, 9:46 pm

Don't forget "Smallville" comes on tonight, I think. Last week's episode was really good. Supergirl returned, but left again.

If this is going to be the last season for this show, it sure is getting good. I hope it has atleast another year left in it.

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Postby Thoul » Thu Nov 20, '08, 10:01 pm

Don't forget the show is on again tonight. This should be a really good episode - Doomsday is coming!
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Nov 22, '08, 12:14 am

Wow, that was a fantastic Smallville last night. Anyone else see it??? I think the wedding scenes of Jimmy and Cloy) was a little shortchanged, but there was an awful lot happening in that one episode, so it's understandable I suppose. Not so great to see Lana Lang show up again, but hopefully they won't be around long.

A very wild ending, and who do you think that was at the end sitting there????

Also, beware if you don't want to know, but I saw this link about what's going to happen when the show returns in January and thought I'd post it. Guess who else is coming to Smallville to help out: ... 00013.aspx

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Postby Thoul » Sat Nov 22, '08, 12:33 am

Hm, that'll be interesting. I see it's written by Geoff Johns too, which is a great thing. He's one of the top comic book writers today.
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