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Re: Smallville

Postby Thoul » Wed May 18, '11, 5:28 am

So, finally got to watch this tonight. That was a good wrap up to the show. There are a few things I wish had been handled differently (I can't believe they never showed us Clark in full Superman costume), but overall it was a very satisfying end. I always wondered how a few things were going to be handled and most of those were covered well.
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Re: Smallville

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed May 18, '11, 8:56 pm

I just saw the very last few minutes of the "Smallville" finale, so I can't comment on the overall program just yet, however, I did enjoy what little I saw. I only wish the program was continuing on. I know they had probably done everything they could think of to do, but as successful as the show was, I tend to think they could possibly have had a few more years at it.

I hope they wind up doing a "Smallville" movie before too long, and maybe continuing on with that. I think it would be a success.

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Re: Smallville

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Dec 14, '15, 7:23 am

For fans of "Smallville", you may be interested to know that actor Tom Welling, who played the role of Clark Kent/Superman will be starring in a new tv series for CBS called "Section 13": ... section-13

Not sure exactly when this will be airing but we will probably be hearing more about it as time goes on. The premise sounds fairly interesting to me.

What does everyone think about it so far? Will you watch it to see Tom Welling again?

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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