Shopping on the day after Christmas

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Shopping on the day after Christmas

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Dec 26, '07, 9:26 pm

Anyone brave enough to go out on a shopping spree today, the day after Christmas? There are supposed to be some really good sales at a lot of places from what I heard on the news.

Anyone have to go return a present for some reason?

LoL, you wouldn't catch me out on today. It's probably a very hectic day everywhere at the Malls, Shopping Centers, etc. I will pass on that. :wink:
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Postby SparkyIII » Wed Dec 26, '07, 10:12 pm

Lol, everyone all said it was so crowded before christmas, but after! XD

We were gonna go, but I think I changed their minds.
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Postby Rudo » Thu Dec 27, '07, 12:53 am

It was a madhouse out in the stores. There were some good bargains out especially on leftover christmas decorations and stuff.
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Postby Thoul » Sat Dec 29, '07, 4:09 am

You'll never get me out shopping on the day after. I'll stay at home and enjoy my presents. If I do need to return anything, it will wait until a few days later. By then the lines won't be so long.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sun Dec 28, '08, 3:33 am

So, anyone brave enough to hit the stores and malls to do some after Christmas shopping this year of 2008?????

I must admit, I ventured out wasn't all that bad. Not that many good deals out there, but I did find a few things. I think most people stayed home since the economy is so bad lately.

How about you???

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Postby Lucas » Sun Dec 28, '08, 4:16 am

Yeah I went to BCF and bought a new fishing rod they were going cheap to clear stock for 2009.

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Postby Darkil » Mon Dec 29, '08, 4:00 pm

I braved the mall the day after although it was after lunch. It didn't seem too bad, I also went to walmart that evening and it was just another day at wally world. I guess most everything happened before noon.
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Re: Shopping on the day after Christmas

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Dec 26, '23, 5:35 pm

No shopping for me today except maybe online. It is still raining here and messy outside. However, one member of our family has already been to the grocery store today.

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Re: Shopping on the day after Christmas

Postby myau56 » Wed Dec 27, '23, 12:01 pm

No shopping for us !
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