Shopkeeper - Inn

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Shopkeeper - Inn

Postby Thoul » Thu Nov 22, '07, 9:06 am

After a long journey, weary travellers will make their way to an inn when reaching a new town. On the Alisa III, this pink haired beauty welcomes them warmly. After a restful night, she will also record their adventures for posterity.


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Postby SparkyIII » Thu Nov 22, '07, 9:43 pm

Don't let her fool you, she's not an inkeeper

We always said that when we entered whatever city it was where it plays the Bad music when she says to you "Be careful out there"
Everything has a pattern. Something set. Even random things. They aren't random at all, its complex mathematics. The trick is to find the pattern. Then you can exploit it.

People think things have a certain end. Taxes. Work. Due dates don't really exist. Trust me. When you put a band of world scholars in the same room, and set them on talking about anything, the most interesting topics come up. The existence of negative time. The probability of "random occurrence". The government's involvement in the media. And falsified due dates. They aren't real, trust me....
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Re: Shopkeeper - Inn

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Jun 1, '16, 3:22 pm

Bumping up this former Image Of The Day.

An interesting looking shopkeeper. She appears to be very pretty, but what is all that about recording their adventures for posterity??

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Re: Shopkeeper - Inn

Postby myau56 » Thu Jun 2, '16, 11:49 am

Recording for posterity as it's the ONLY way to save the game ! You have to pay for it ! :(
But why is this beautiful shopkeeper...always the same in all the cities ?? ;)
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Re: Shopkeeper - Inn

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Apr 27, '22, 6:44 pm

Beautiful and helpful too. Love the pink hair.

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Re: Shopkeeper - Inn

Postby myau56 » Thu Apr 28, '22, 2:03 pm

Pink hair is always a bit strange but here...not too bad ! ^^
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