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 Post subject: I'm back! :)
PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, '10, 6:00 pm 
Yes, as some of you may have caught on thursday I was disappearing for a few days to go on a long walk. So after a few days of not showering I've made it home and have some photos to share with you all.

Day number one and it's 14 miles along this to my home for the night.

About 10 miles down the road. The road and forested land gives way to open greenery and a dirt path.

Now I've arrived it's time to get a brew and settle down.

Day 2 and the weather turns crap. I had originally planned to hike 25 miles to the west but the rain had made the already marshy conditions in that direction a lot worse. Hence trip #2.

At the end of day 2 and here's my home for the night.

With these places you're lucky if you get one that has 2 rooms or even a table, but this one has a table, 2 bunks, 3 rooms AND a stove for the fire. Score!

And just FYI, this is the surrounding scenery. I took this one at 5:30 am. It's june and there's still some snow up there.

I just uploaded them in any old order, Photobucket kind of jumbled them up when I uploaded them and I don't think it matters so much. Any questions about the content, just ask. :)

And here is the link to the rest of the album here for those curious.

I'm already planning the next outing, I had to cancel half of this one because of varying circumstances and having found an easier way to do it. :p Anyhoo, enjoy and sorry for clogging up the artwork space. I'm planning to get to work on some PS Fanart at long last.

Last edited by Xander on Mon Jun 14, '10, 6:23 pm, edited 2 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: I'm back! :)
PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, '10, 6:01 pm 
Welcome back Xander. I haven't been around much either, but I knew of your extended leave. ^^
Those landscape photos look really good! Mind telling us what country you're from at last? We're curious. After all, you now know I'm South African. :D

 Post subject: Re: I'm back! :)
PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, '10, 6:25 pm 
yeah I think I probably rabbled on about it a few times too often in the past. Thanks for the words Lyla.

As for location, hmmm. I guess the game's over, people know I no longer live in a secret bunker underground somewhere. This could be fun. :p There's a nice big clue right bang in the middle of one of the photos. Or you could just look at my now changed location.

Oh, and I've gone and added some caption thingies to them, just for some info.

 Post subject: Re: I'm back! :)
PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, '10, 6:31 pm 
I KNEW IT!! I knew you were Scottish! That scenery was a dead give-away! :D

 Post subject: Re: I'm back! :)
PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, '10, 6:41 pm 
Hehe, well it's that or I live in some fantasy world. Come to think of it though, there aren't so many landscapes like this besides New Zealand and Canada, but even they look different.

FYI though, I'm not ginger and nor do I have the usual heavy accent. Just a wee bit to make it noticeable. :D

 Post subject: Re: I'm back! :)
PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, '10, 7:48 pm 
Wow, these are beautiful photos, Xan! 'Looks like you certainly enjoyed your holiday. And the scenery does look like bonny Scotland.

On the note of ginger: GZ (my husband) is Scottish/Swedish with long and gorgeous strawberry blonde hair. :heart: I must say, I love the ginger. Praise Scotland! :lol:

 Post subject: Re: I'm back! :)
PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, '10, 7:51 pm 
Welcome back Xander. Great photos. What sucks though is that in Saskatchewan we don't exactly have any breath taking scenery, unless you travel north.

 Post subject: Re: I'm back! :)
PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, '10, 8:35 pm 
from the sounds of it RW I haven't seen many people like that around here. Then again, Swedes are few and far between here. If you want to see more photos I already have a ton of albums up that, pretty much cover all seasons, that I can link to. :)

The same could be said for here as well Atlin. While the western highlands are pretty snazzy, taking a trip north changes things. For one, the roads get a lot smaller. It's all lochs, mountains and rocks making for some great scenery. Getting there is hard due to the terrain, it's very rural too with few settlements. Plus a lot of the older bothies are in ruin now so there's little in the way of shelter out afar and finding your own food is difficult too. It's no surprise it's called Europe's last wilderness up there. :D It's just a pity a lot about this country isn't as good as the scenery else I'd actually be tempted to stay. :/

Oh, almost forgot, one last piccy of my kit just for kicks:

 Post subject: Re: I'm back! :)
PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, '10, 8:44 pm 
Did I mention that I would LOVE to stay in that room myself (with the flags and stove). Awesome.

Yes, Xander, I'd love to see your photography! To be honest, landscape photography is a personal joy of mine. I love to check out landscape photos and take them, myself. From what I can tell, you certainly have an eye. Do share the link with me, please!

Re: ginger... my husband is about half Scottish. He looks a LOT like actor Kevin McKidd, who is also Scottish. You can't tell my husband is a quarter Swedish... but he looks very viking. ;)

 Post subject: Re: I'm back! :)
PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, '10, 9:17 pm 
Well as it turned out I didn't stay in that room at night. There were a couple of mice going through some bags in the hall outside and the constant rustling was annoying me so I eventually scared them off and went into the smaller room. But as it is, I ended up spending the evening in the bigger room with another walker. He'd gathered a bunch of wood together and we decided it was best to put it in the one fire, so I helped cut it up and stayed there until midnight before going back to my room for sleep.

As for me doing photography, it's mainly just because I have the camera and the willingness to learn its use. Plus, unlike other forms of photography, you only need maybe 2 or 3 lenses, the camera and a tripod. I have 2 lenses myself but I rarely use the other.

Anyway, album links cometh. Hope you don't mind facebook, because it's where I used to load up all my photos just because of the ease of it. Otherwise I use it for nothing now.

[Account deactivated. Links removed.]

I'm tempted to just switch all photography to photobucket and close my account on facebook anyway.

Last edited by Xander on Sat Jun 19, '10, 2:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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