Shannara Chronicles

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Shannara Chronicles

Postby Rylen » Thu Jan 7, '16, 1:29 pm

Shannara Chronicles (Season 1) is the TV version based on Terry Brook's second novel "Elfstones of Shannara"

If you have not had a chance to check it out I would. While the show even in the first two eps does stray from the source here and there. It looks like the showrunners are making sure that core of what the book is about is kept intact.

What has amazed me the most however is the how Allanon is shown. Given that in the first three books he is the primary guiding force. Which is a role he retains. If anything this show has expanded on the lore and has brought some clarity.

Another important element is that the show's first two eps make a few direct references to Sword of Shannara and over all to the total of the Shannara lore.

But what this show has isn't in the big details. But rather the small ones. Their are a few scenes that if you've read the book you can pretty much guess what is going to happen. if not in this ep but down the road.

If you are a fan who enjoys the books you will enjoy this. If you are a newbie you will also enjoy this and be encouraged to read the books. :P

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Re: Shannara Chronicles

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Jan 9, '16, 6:36 pm

I finally got to watch some of the Shannara Chronicles online on youtube last night. It was so late though that I actually feel asleep before the ending so I plan on watching it again today. Really, it was that good enough to watch it again, imho. All the actors were very good. I was surprised to see the guy from "Mortal Kombat" movie as the Rover Father but he was a good choice for that role. Watching this even made me want to read the books again and I have already read them all. Only got to see the first two episodes on youtube and I hope they have the others available later on. Seems like a hit show to me.

And, on another related note. I saw from facebook that yesterday was author Terry Brook's birthday, who wrote all the Shannara books. I thought it was neat that he has a birthday on the same day (maybe not the same year though) as Elvis Presley. :)

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Re: Shannara Chronicles

Postby jessie » Sat Jan 9, '16, 7:23 pm

Will have to watch this soon. I loved the books, so my hopes for the show are high.
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Re: Shannara Chronicles

Postby jessie » Mon Jan 11, '16, 12:46 am

Watched the first three episodes. It looks very good and the acting is up to snuff, but I am not sure how close they are following the stories. I read them long ago and was hoping the series would make me remember but I am drawing a blank on some of the events and characters. Some parts do stir memories from the books, and some of the names, but I cannot help but feel they are really detracting from the the books. When this series ends i will revisit the books to see what was adjusted.
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Re: Shannara Chronicles

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Jun 7, '16, 10:30 pm

Just read a little while ago that the first season of "The Shannara Chronicles" will be available on DVD in the USA beginning today, I think it was. ... chronicles

I am looking forward to this as I have not seen anything but the first episode so far. I have read that this is a little different than the books though so I hope I am not too disappointed.

Has anyone here watched the entire season yet? Did you like it? Is it worth the probably $30 it may cost to buy the DVD?

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Re: Shannara Chronicles

Postby jessie » Wed Jun 8, '16, 1:42 am

I saw it and really enjoyed it. It has been renewed for season 2. I am considering the purchase however I would rather have it on Blu-Ray.
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Re: Shannara Chronicles

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sun Jun 19, '16, 7:16 pm

Finally got a copy of this DVD but haven't had time to watch it yet. I watched the first episode previously on youtube but it has been so long I have forgotten what happened, so going to watch the whole thing over from the start. Surprised that it was only about ten or so episodes all together. I was expecting something like 20 something episodes. Oh well, hope to enjoy it anyway. May comment further after I watch it all.

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Re: Shannara Chronicles

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri May 12, '17, 2:22 am

Well, it's been awhile, but I did get to watch all of the Season 1 DVD of Shannara Chronicles and it was awesome. I can hardly wait for Season 2.

Read in the news today that they are filming Season 2, and the show will be moving from the MTV channel to the Spike Channel: ... 202089506/

Doesn't help me any as I can not get that channel either. Will have to wait for the DVD once again.

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Re: Shannara Chronicles

Postby jessie » Fri May 12, '17, 3:04 am

It is a fantastic series! I still need to purchase the Blu Ray but have not. It seems a long wait for season 2.
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Re: Shannara Chronicles

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Jan 22, '18, 12:46 am

I read the other day that "Shannara Chronicles" had been canceled after season 2 of the show. First season was on MTV channel and season two was on the Spike Channel. Now they are trying to find somewhere else to have a season 3 of the show, if possible. If it doesn't happen then it looks like the end for this series.

I am really not too surprised by this news. We have season 1 on DVD, I think and it is good, although it is not exactly like the books that so many people have read and fell in love with. Maybe the changes were not good after all. ... -canceled/ ... -season-3/

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