School Lunches

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School Lunches

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Dec 10, '09, 4:21 pm

Found the following article regarding School Lunches compared to Fast Food, etc. Very interesting. ... ards_N.htm

Comments or Opinions?

I rarely ate in the school lunch room and often took my lunch or bought something like a bag of chips and a coke, etc. How about you....did (do) you eat school lunches, or bring your own, etc.?

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Re: School Lunches

Postby Thoul » Thu Dec 10, '09, 7:43 pm

I did both; sometimes I took my own lunch, sometimes I ate the school's lunch. I usually drank the milk sold by the school either way, though. The big push for more nutritious foods started around the middle of my high school years. They basically banned sodas around that time, even though there were two Coca-Cola machines in the school's lunchroom.

The worst part was when they banned hamburger meat. They replaced it with some meat substitute that tasted horrible. I could barely stand to eat the things.

I read the other day that a lot of schools are banning chocolate milk now, with some claiming it's no different that soda.
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Re: School Lunches

Postby Darkil » Fri Dec 11, '09, 1:53 pm

I loved eating school lunches. Nothing beat the pizza that had the peforated edges :lol:
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Re: School Lunches

Postby Wolf Bird » Fri Dec 11, '09, 4:17 pm

Pizza? What pizza? I always remember school "pizza" being cardboard with year-old tomato juice, lard-fried pepperoni and cheese procured from a mouse hole on it. XD

I always brought a lunch. School food disgusted me on so many levels. I ate it a few times though...those few times I forgot a lunch or had it stolen.
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Re: School Lunches

Postby PathfinderCS » Sat Dec 12, '09, 10:42 pm

Well, it depends:

Elementary school: I usually brought my lunch.

Junior High: I mostly brought my lunch, but when pizza or spaghetti was served...yum yums...

High school: I stuck with school lunches, and pretty much ONLY ate the pizza. Stuffed crust pizza...awesome...then later, they switched to the rectangular, cardboard variety... :(
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Re: School Lunches

Postby Atlinsmere » Mon Dec 14, '09, 2:52 am

In elementary it was either me taking a lunch or going home. When High school came around I rarely took a lunch. I'd eat in the cafeteria sometimes which sold pizza pops, pop, candy, freshly made pizza, sandwiches (I never bothered) etc. Otherwise I'd buy a poutine from the corner store a block away or run to 7-11 and pick up a corndog and some potato wedges.
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