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 Post subject: School Lunches
PostPosted: Mon Apr 7, '08, 8:46 pm 
If you attend school anywhere, what sort of food do you generally have to choose from in your lunches? Or do you take your lunch with you, and if so, what do you take to eat?

I heard a news story this morning about how various schools are trying to offer students a more healthier and more nutritious lunch offering, such as fresh fruits for dessert instead of other stuff that may not be as healthy.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Apr 7, '08, 10:45 pm 
I work at one of my school cafeterias; and they offer varying things from fruit to salads to faux Chinese food. A large portion of their foods consist of the classic burgers, fries, and other fried goodies. It's really hard to avoid the fried stuff--I tried to give up fried foods for Lent and failed miserably because there is way too much of it to be avoided. It's not all of the school's fault--Fried foods are what the people my age like to eat. Naturally, the school wouldn't put out things that the students wouldn't buy...

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Apr 8, '08, 12:50 am 
I'm glad to be well past the time where I have to deal with school lunches. That stuff tasted terrible, no matter what it was. It was like they got the worst possible quality food to serve, even if it was something that would otherwise taste really good.

There's always another push to improve the healthiness of the food. I remember when they replaced our hamburgers with soy burgers. Ueeghhh. Nasty stuff! :ill:

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Apr 8, '08, 2:32 pm 
Hmm. Never had soy.

I know our school lunches are varied, consisting of a balance of the groups, and also a salad bar. Of course, right next to that is all the more popular yet unhealthy items, like pizza, burgers, and whatnot. Although, the lines do appear to be longer more consistantly in the first line (The school's chosen lunch menu) than the second (Unhealthy things); I don't know for sure, seeing as how I don't eat in there anyways. (I head off campus.) It seems to be more because of the cost than the health reasons, as it's roughly double the money to get things from the second line.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, '08, 4:27 am 
I agree thoul, I bring my lunch every day. And when I forget it, I won't buy school food, even if I have money. XD Always a sandwich, always always. lol

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 15, '08, 3:26 am 
The only thing I consistently liked that the school provided was the cartons of milk. I think it was Mayfield milk... whatever brand, it was pretty good and the best part of any meal the school had.

DrkTr14ce wrote:Hmm. Never had soy.

Consider yourself lucky. It tasted really bad. The only part of the burger that I could taste was the soy in it. :yuck:

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Apr 15, '08, 7:30 pm 
I'd always bring my lunch, but one of my friends would always go get me pizza and i'd trade him for the extra soda i'd bring so i wouldn't have to wait in line since i always got out to lunch late during the day

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