Saving Nei...

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Re: Saving Nei...

Postby Aeroprism » Thu Jan 24, '13, 6:55 pm

It's called poor storytelling.

"So we want to create this emotional moment. Nei needs to die. Then the player kills Neifirst with his party."

"What if the player somehow manages to beat Neifirst with Nei?"

"Arr.. umm.. uhh..."


Then again, perhaps the story was told differently in the original Japanese version and all of this is the result of lazy translation.

At any rate, I was personally never affected by Nei's scene or Alys' for that matter. Alys has ever annoyed me and while Nei didn't annoy me straight off the bat, I never particularly liked her.
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Re: Saving Nei...

Postby Thoul » Fri Jan 25, '13, 4:11 am

Fogeltje wrote:In that case you could argue, Neifirst could live without Nei but not the other way around.

I think that would be a fairly strong argument. If Nei manages to kill Neifirst, Nei immediately dies. The narration also establishes that Neifirst's death will kill Nei, but never says the reverse. If Neifirst wins that initial battle however, Nei dies and Neifirst does not. Neifirst then survives to fight the rest of the party. It seems the dependent relationship was one way, with only Nei relying on Neifirst.

Aeroprism wrote:Then again, perhaps the story was told differently in the original Japanese version and all of this is the result of lazy translation.

There was an unofficial retranslation of PSII by someone who had never played the game several years ago. Going by that, this part of the story is identical to the English version on all the major points.

At least they did consider the possibility of allowing Nei to win. In any other game, Nei vs. Neifirst would have been a scripted battle that didn't allow Nei to have a victory regardless of how much damage she did.
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Re: Saving Nei...

Postby Fogeltje » Fri Jan 25, '13, 10:32 am

Yeah, I'm glad they at least considered it. In my eyes it adds even extra drama if you with the fight with Nei. Nei bloody won...yet you still feel you've just lost the game. Of course you feel angry when Nei is killed by Neifirst...but actually defeating Neifirst with Nei and still loose her...that was brutal.

Aeroprism wrote:At any rate, I was personally never affected by Nei's scene or Alys' for that matter. Alys has ever annoyed me and while Nei didn't annoy me straight off the bat, I never particularly liked her.
Guess we are the other way around then ;) Chaz really annoyed the heck out of me, right to the very end "cinematics". I know there's a fan version of the game where it's Chaz who dies, not Alys. I'd love to play that one. Yeah yeah, Chaz needs to live because he needs to wield the tooth pick bla bla, doesn't make him any less annoying.

I always liked Nei. Not sure why. But it was her that usually kept my party going in the early stages of the game. She also looked a tat sad in my eyes, but then again, with a genesis like that, it is not surprising. I don't ashamed to say I shed some tears when she died (the "proper way" btw, by loosing against Neifirst).
"Rolf, there's no hope for me. If Neifirst is dead, I must die, too."
And in so saying, Nei silently closed her eyes.
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Re: Saving Nei...

Postby Xeno » Sat Mar 2, '13, 10:59 pm

Still... even if one was to use cheat codes... are there any that might allow us to keep her?
I've been looking for two weeks and found nothing so far... :( I feel sorry for Nei... I want her to live somehow...

I mean, with Alys it was easy - just follow the guide that Kaloes wrote on GameFAQs...
But no such thing exists for Nei...
Nei deserved better.

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Re: Saving Nei...

Postby Fogeltje » Mon Apr 29, '13, 11:21 pm

I'm not aware of any method of saving Nei (or Alys for that matter). I'll go check Kaloes' guide for Alys :)
"Rolf, there's no hope for me. If Neifirst is dead, I must die, too."
And in so saying, Nei silently closed her eyes.
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Re: Saving Nei...

Postby myau56 » Wed May 1, '13, 10:25 pm

Me neither : I'm not aware of any method concerning Nei's ressurection ... :(
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Re: Saving Nei...

Postby Snorb » Wed May 1, '13, 11:58 pm

Hugh: Explain it all again. I'm kinda confused.
Shir: (sigh) This is like the sixth time I explained it, dummy! Rolf, Nei, Amy and me fought Neifirst!
Hugh: I'm with you that far.
Amy: Neifirst dealt Nei a grievous blow. Rolf and Shir fought Neifirst while I tried to resuscitate Nei. Eventually, Neifirst was defeated.
Hugh: .....And Nei died with her? Sounds like their life energy was interconnected somehow.
Rolf: That's what Nei said.
Nei: But I'm here now. ^_^x
Hugh: And that's where I'm confused.
Anna: (irritated sigh) Hugh, fixing a straw that's bent in the middle would confuse you.
Shir: Well, Rolf and Amy did the smart- read: Not-Hugh- thing and tried Rever.
Rolf: No luck.
Amy: Even Regen failed.
Hugh: So why's Nei still alive?
Shir: Well, I suggested stealing a whole couple gallons of Moon Dew and pouring it all down Nei's throat, but Rolf said that was kinda a sick thing to do.
Kain: Sos how'd ya bring Nei back t'life?
Amy: ........(inaudible)
Anna: What do you mean, "Rolf tied Neifirst up and poured a gallon of Moon Dew down her throat?"
Rolf: Look, it let us reclone Nei, don't question this.
Hugh: Wait, you revived Neifirst?! Where is she!?
Shir: I dunno! Rolf was supposed to be watching her!
Rolf: Amy distracted me! She had shortcake!
Amy: Neifirst doesn't like shortcake... ;_;
Anna: So where is she?

(Central Tower's Baggage Room)
Neifirst: (stuffed into an inventory slot) I hate those people so much. >_<
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Re: Saving Nei...

Postby myau56 » Thu May 2, '13, 10:29 pm

LOL Snorb :) :fiery:
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Re: Saving Nei...

Postby Xeno » Thu May 30, '13, 10:03 am

Snorb wrote:Hugh: Explain it all again. I'm kinda confused.
Shir: (sigh) This is like the sixth time I explained it, dummy! Rolf, Nei, Amy and me fought Neifirst!
Hugh: I'm with you that far.
Amy: Neifirst dealt Nei a grievous blow. Rolf and Shir fought Neifirst while I tried to resuscitate Nei. Eventually, Neifirst was defeated.
Hugh: .....And Nei died with her? Sounds like their life energy was interconnected somehow.
Rolf: That's what Nei said.
Nei: But I'm here now. ^_^x
Hugh: And that's where I'm confused.
Anna: (irritated sigh) Hugh, fixing a straw that's bent in the middle would confuse you.
Shir: Well, Rolf and Amy did the smart- read: Not-Hugh- thing and tried Rever.
Rolf: No luck.
Amy: Even Regen failed.
Hugh: So why's Nei still alive?
Shir: Well, I suggested stealing a whole couple gallons of Moon Dew and pouring it all down Nei's throat, but Rolf said that was kinda a sick thing to do.
Kain: Sos how'd ya bring Nei back t'life?
Amy: ........(inaudible)
Anna: What do you mean, "Rolf tied Neifirst up and poured a gallon of Moon Dew down her throat?"
Rolf: Look, it let us reclone Nei, don't question this.
Hugh: Wait, you revived Neifirst?! Where is she!?
Shir: I dunno! Rolf was supposed to be watching her!
Rolf: Amy distracted me! She had shortcake!
Amy: Neifirst doesn't like shortcake... ;_;
Anna: So where is she?

(Central Tower's Baggage Room)
Neifirst: (stuffed into an inventory slot) I hate those people so much. >_<

Holy, you just cured me of a depression with that! XD Not to mention it was pure genius!
I wish I could write comedy like that! ^^
Nei deserved better.

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Re: Saving Nei...

Postby Prince Rhys 83 » Fri May 31, '13, 1:57 am

There are ways to save Nei and Alys... though not storyline wise. It's called opening a save state in a hex editor and switching out your party members. This only works for ROMs though of course.
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