Saving Nei...

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Saving Nei...

Postby Arctic-snowfox » Fri Jul 6, '12, 1:43 pm

it has intrigued me, but not just that, i have struggled to find the information that has eluded me.

so i ask for your help, is there a way to save nei from neifirst without hacking?

this event has left me battered, baffled, and tossed aside.

I USUALLY KNOW ALL THE FACTS... after all i am a collecter of information.
my signature has gone on vacation.
sigh... i wonder when exactly it might come home?
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Re: Saving Nei...

Postby Thoul » Sat Jul 7, '12, 4:37 am

As far as I know, it's not possible aside from cheating or hacking. It was just never meant to be done.
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Re: Saving Nei...

Postby myau56 » Sun Jul 8, '12, 11:34 am

Me too : as far as i Know (but I'll try to search for clues if eventually there is a way but I'm pessimistic about it...) there is no way to do that, and I regret it ...:(
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Re: Saving Nei...

Postby Arctic-snowfox » Sun Jul 8, '12, 1:32 pm

ah well. i suppose ill have to make rudo my new fav char and have fall of nei over and done with.
my signature has gone on vacation.
sigh... i wonder when exactly it might come home?
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Re: Saving Nei...

Postby myau56 » Sun Jul 8, '12, 2:15 pm

A lot of people have been so sad by Nei's fate..and unfortunately impossible to revert it but Nei will be forever in the heart of many RPG players, of that I'm sure and certain...
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Re: Saving Nei...

Postby R-90-2 » Wed Oct 24, '12, 10:23 pm

Yeah, even if you grind Nei up high enough to beat Neifirst solo, she dies anyway, just with different dialogue.
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Re: Saving Nei...

Postby myau56 » Tue Dec 18, '12, 2:53 pm

As Nei and Neifirst were at the origin the same character, impossible not to kill one without "kill" the other...unfortunately ! The only possibility would have been imprisoned Neifirst but how and where ? Impossible too...:(
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Re: Saving Nei...

Postby Oakley2284 » Wed Dec 19, '12, 4:21 pm

its the same story as Alys in PSIV actually... Its quite sad about her,but we can't saved any of them in the story except by hacking....
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Re: Saving Nei...

Postby myau56 » Wed Dec 19, '12, 9:19 pm

And as the creators of the different games have chosen to put these sad things in the game.. that's something we can't change and maybe we don't have the right to do so ! (But the fanfictions are here for that !)
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Re: Saving Nei...

Postby Fogeltje » Thu Jan 24, '13, 6:11 pm

myau56 wrote:As Nei and Neifirst were at the origin the same character, impossible not to kill one without "kill" the other...unfortunately ! The only possibility would have been imprisoned Neifirst but how and where ? Impossible too...:(

Which makes you wonder why they went through all the trouble of killing Neifirst once they found her. Just kill Nei and Neifirst should die do. In fact, why didn't Neifirst die when Nei threw herself at her? I can't remember the exact dialogue. Was it one monster that somehow split into two, or did Nei "come out of" Neifirst. In that case you could argue, Neifirst could live without Nei but not the other way around.
"Rolf, there's no hope for me. If Neifirst is dead, I must die, too."
And in so saying, Nei silently closed her eyes.
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