
There's lots to talk about on the smaller screen.


Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Aug 9, '10, 9:33 pm

Has anyone here ever watched "Sanctuary", a tv show on the sfy-fy channel. I just recently watched the Season 1 DVD of this show and it was kind of enjoyable. A little slow and dull, but with a cast such as Jack The Ripper, a vampire, and other various kinds of monsters, there is usually always something going on. :D

It also stars actress Amanda Tapping, I think that's her name, she was the main girl star in "Stargate" which was also on the Sci-fi channel. Somehow or other she acquired an English accent for this show.

Season 1 ended in a cliffhanger.....I should have known it would. :p

Anyone know how many seasons this show has done?

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Re: Sanctuary

Postby Thoul » Mon Aug 9, '10, 9:44 pm

I caught a bit of it when it first aired on Sci-Fi. I couldn't really get into it much back then. Like you said, it was slow. At least it was in the pilot, I didn't try to watch much of it after that. I still caught a bit here and there, though.

As for how many seasons, I know there was a second. I'm not sure of any beyond that, though.
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