Rush Limbaugh book

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Rush Limbaugh book

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed May 26, '10, 12:04 am

Rush Limbaugh has a new unauthorized biography book out entitled "Rush Limbaugh: An Army of One" by Zev Chafets. Limbaugh is supposed to have given "intensive interviews" for the book. ... n-new-book

In the book, Limbaugh supposedly speaks of Fox News commentator Bill O'Reilly and others.

It might be interesting to see what O'Reilly has to say about this, lol.

Other than that, I don't think this book sounds at all interesting and probably won't wind up on my reading list. I'm not much a fan of Rush Limbaugh's. :yaknow:

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Re: Rush Limbaugh book

Postby MrRoivas » Wed May 26, '10, 12:13 am

Other than that, I don't think this book sounds at all interesting and probably won't wind up on my reading list. I'm not much a fan of Rush Limbaugh's. :yaknow:

Neither am I. It's good to know you aren't a fan. That man is a real hater.
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Re: Rush Limbaugh book

Postby Wolf Bird » Wed May 26, '10, 2:50 pm

I...strongly dislike Rush Limbaugh. Especially after blaming the Sierra Club for the oil leak in the Gulf and saying they should pick up the tab for cleanup. :roll: Any book about him or by him is at the bottom of my reading list.
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