Rise of the Video Game

There's lots to talk about on the smaller screen.

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Dec 20, '07, 8:34 pm

I caught most of the show this week. I didn't hear anything about Phantasy Star, but I could have missed it.

There were several interesting points and games talked about this week - Warcraft - Everquest, etc. I also enjoyed the part about Quakecon - and how profitable playing a video game could wind up to be.

I really enjoyed the part about "Second Life" and the dressing up the avatars stuff, etc. I want to look into that further. Sounds like fun. Anyone know anything about this that you can share with me that might enlighten me some, or has anyone done this?

This week's show was very interesting, unlike last week's episode which was rather dull, I thought.

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Postby Neithird » Thu Dec 20, '07, 9:06 pm

No Phantasy Star that I saw, either. I've heard of Second Life in passing, but that's all. I can't tell you anything about it.

It's amazing that people have made so much money sell virtual real estate! I wonder how hard it is to get into that market. ;)
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Postby Thoul » Fri Dec 21, '07, 8:29 pm

I missed about half of this episode. All I know about Second Life is that it has been in the news a few times for criminal activity taking place in the game. IIRC, someone was arrested for child pornography in connection to the game.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sun Dec 23, '07, 1:02 am

Anyone know anything about or have any experience with this " Quake.con" that was mentioned on the Rise of the video game program? It sounded interesting and very profitable. 8)

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Postby SparkyIII » Sun Dec 23, '07, 9:00 am

My older brother played a game called quake. Don't know if it would have any resemblance to what you mentioned.
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Postby Neithird » Sun Dec 23, '07, 2:23 pm

Quake used to be a popular first person shooter game. It had a couple of sequels, but I haven't heard anything about it in a long time now. It was like the Halo of it's day.
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