Rise of the Video Game

There's lots to talk about on the smaller screen.

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Dec 7, '07, 3:54 am

I saw the episode last night. It was really boring. I'm not much into shooter type games and that's about all they talked about. Hopefully the next episode will be much better. I'll give it one more week. :wink:

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Postby Atolm » Fri Dec 7, '07, 4:43 am

Really? I thought it was interesting! It was interesting to see how the future of the world's military could be affected by gamers. :D
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Postby Thoul » Fri Dec 7, '07, 5:39 am

That was a little interesting, but I think they just spent too much time on it. Around 45 minutes is a bit much for that subject IMO.

I did like seeing that old Atari arcade game again - Battlezone, I think it was. I had completely forgotten that I used to play it and haven't seen it in years.
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Postby Thoul » Thu Dec 13, '07, 7:19 am

Did anyone catch last night's episode? I found it a little more interesting, but all the simulation stuff that dominated the first half of the episode was pretty dry as well.
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Postby SparkyIII » Thu Dec 13, '07, 7:41 am

Oh, whoops, I thought it was Tuesday earlier, and Saturday just a bit ago. XD
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Postby Thoul » Thu Dec 13, '07, 9:59 am

I thought it was Tuesday for a while too, so I almost missed it myself. :p
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Dec 14, '07, 2:55 am

Yeah, I caught last night's episode, but only because someone reminded me it was on. Otherwise I probably would have forgotten to. It was kinda boring to me, but I did find a few points rather interesting.

They talked some about the original " Halo " game which I found interesting since Halo 3 just recently came out not too long ago. I don't know if this is continued next week or what. If so, I will try to watch it, if I don't forget.

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Postby Thoul » Fri Dec 14, '07, 3:53 am

There is another episode to come, but I think just one more. I was looking on Discovery Channel's website earlier and they only had one more listed in the episode guide there.
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Postby Neithird » Fri Dec 14, '07, 7:09 pm

I saw it. It was okay. They talked a lot about Black and White, which was interesting because I've thought about getting that before. Based on the show, I think I'll skip it. It looked boring.

The stuff about the home-made Halo movies was interesting. What did they call it? mechima? The word sounded like anime, sorta.
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Postby Thoul » Wed Dec 19, '07, 9:40 pm

Everyone remember, the show airs again tonight. I believe it will be talking about online games this time, so we might see a mention of Phantasy Star.
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