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 Post subject: Ducks
PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, '10, 7:16 pm 
Didn't post this earlier. I went down to the banks of the Hudson River (which is like three blocks from my apartment :D) about two weeks ago and took my sketchpad with me. I found a small group of rocks near the banks with a bunch of ducks congregated around it. So I did a rough sketch of it in pencil. I was intending to do some more shading with it right there so I could study the water and do that right, but it started raining on me. >_< I haven't decided what to do with it...I may color, shade, darken or do something with it in the future, but I don't know what, so I left the lines light. But for now, here's the rough sketch. The yellow at the top is light reflection and I didn't bother to photo-edit it away as I am lazy. :p There's not much in the background and the ducks and the rocks show up okay.

One thing I do want to do is improve how I draw water, so I'm glad I did this. My next drawing will include water, but I don't know when I will finish that due to a mild sprained wrist.

Edit: Did a little photo editing so the lines are a bit darker and easier to see. On second glance, the first was too light.

Last edited by Wolf Bird on Tue Aug 17, '10, 7:31 pm, edited 3 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: Ducks
PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, '10, 7:26 pm 
Oh, that is very good, CW! It's a bit light and hard for me to see very well even with my glasses on though. I hope you decide to color it as I can just imagine how beautiful it would all be, especially the ducks and the water. :clap:

Hope your wrist is better soon. :yes:

 Post subject: Re: Ducks
PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, '10, 8:25 pm 
Looks pretty neat so far. I hope you finish this piece. On first sight I actually thought it was a bunch of ducklings around an iceberg...

Also, I agree with Silver_Surfer on her last statement. Is a lightly sprained wrist more painful than it sounds? In any case, I do hope it'll heal up soon.

 Post subject: Re: Ducks
PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, '10, 8:30 pm 
mk1995 wrote:Is a lightly sprained wrist more painful than it sounds? In any case, I do hope it'll heal up soon.

There are certain movements that are painful to do and it makes holding a pencil or anything like that for an extended period hard. And my next drawing has finer color detail than previous ones, so...yeah. I'm also not playing wii games with motion controls right now (so I'm not going to have Galaxy 2 beat before I move >_<) and I'm playing games less in general. I've got my wrist in a support brace during the day and splinted at night.

Thanks for the well wishes, both of you! :)

 Post subject: Re: Ducks
PostPosted: Wed Aug 18, '10, 12:51 am 
I hope your wrist is better soon. I know not being able to use my hand well would drive me crazy, even if only for a limited time.

The sketch is very good. Like the others said, I hope you decide to continue working on it after your wrist heals up. Some color to bring out the different elements would make it even better. :)

 Post subject: Re: Ducks
PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, '10, 3:56 am 
Sorry to hear about your wrist CW. Do gotta say though, I like this sketch. Personally, I've never been a person who could look at live scenery and just sketch. I've tried it various times and failed... horribly. >.>

KEep up the good work, and, put some ice on your wrist okay. :wink:

 Post subject: Re: Ducks
PostPosted: Sat Jul 7, '18, 7:23 pm 
Bumping these beautiful bird drawings up again so everyone can enjoy them. :clap:

 Post subject: Re: Ducks
PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, '22, 1:39 pm 
Beautiful birds as always ! :fiery: :clap:

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