Ringling Bros. circus closing

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Ringling Bros. circus closing

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Jan 19, '17, 12:14 am

The famous Ringling Brothers circus will be closing down forever very soon.

http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/the-bi ... cid=AARDHP

Will you miss this circus not being around any longer?

Have you ever seen this circus? What was your favorite circus act?

I remember seeing it once when I was very young. It was awesome. So many things going on and so many animals that it left me speechless with awe. I think the circus is going to be very much missed.

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Re: Ringling Bros. circus closing

Postby myau56 » Thu Jan 19, '17, 11:56 am

I've never seen it but it's always sad to see such institutions close down forever... :(
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