Ride a crocodile

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Ride a crocodile

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Jul 14, '10, 6:20 pm

I'll bet this guy won't try to ride a live croc again anytime soon:


Last edited by Silver_Surfer1 on Wed Jul 14, '10, 6:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ride a crocodile

Postby Thoul » Wed Jul 14, '10, 9:05 pm

Some people...

I wonder if this was a wild croc, someone's pet, or in a zoo? If this happened in the US, there would probably be calls for putting the croc down because it had tasted human flesh. Even though it's totally not the croc's fault, that's what would probably happen.
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Re: Ride a crocodile

Postby Lucas » Wed Jul 14, '10, 11:50 pm

Ah, the croc belongs to Malcom Douglas I thought I recognised the name. He owns a crocodile farm and has had several wildlife TV shows in Australia. There is no way the Croc would have been put down considering it was the guys fault for getting into the fence to begin with. He must have had a serious death wish; it’s a salt water crocodile for crying out loud.
Last edited by Lucas on Wed Jul 14, '10, 11:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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