Reviews of Really and Sincerely

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Reviews of Really and Sincerely

Postby Review Type S-2 » Thu Dec 2, '10, 1:11 pm


This topic is for reviews of Really and Sincerely by tilinelson2. You may use this topic to let tilinelson2 know what you think of this work. When commenting, try to go into detail about what you enjoyed or thought could be improved. Both praise and constructive criticism are encouraged. Please refrain from making non-constructive criticisms.

Please keep your comments in this thread on the subject of Really and Sincerely. If you would like to discuss another writing, please do so in that writing's review thread.

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Re: Reviews of Really and Sincerely

Postby H-Man » Wed Dec 22, '10, 6:27 pm

Read it today. Not bad. Less Portuguesisms than your other stories. You know, Lena should've brought Aunt May from the Spider-Man movies with her, so she could give that speech to Rhys about giving up the things we want most for the greater good...yadda yadda yadda.
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Re: Reviews of Really and Sincerely

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Mar 15, '11, 4:54 am

Can't believe I haven't read this one before now, but anyway, it is about right on the money, so to speak, for one who has been jilted, etc. Don't think I have heard that Bee Gee's song, or if I have I don't remember it, but I'll have to try and find that one. Some good writing here. :yes:

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