Reviews of Phantasy Star Rift

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Reviews of Phantasy Star Rift

Postby Review Type S-2 » Mon Jul 2, '12, 11:57 pm


You may use this topic to share your thoughts regarding Phantasy Star Rift by Atlinsmere. When reviewing, try to go into detail about what you enjoy or feel could be improved in Phantasy Star Rift. Both praise and constructive criticism intended to help Atlinsmere in future endeavors are encouraged. Please refrain from making non-constructive comments.

Please keep your comments in this thread on the subject of Phantasy Star Rift. If you would like to discuss another writing, please do so in that writing's review thread.

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Re: Reviews of Phantasy Star Rift

Postby Atlinsmere » Mon Jul 2, '12, 11:58 pm

Want to try and get your character in PSR? Then fill out the following. For now I'm only looking for 3 characters to be the main characters. However, don't let that discourage you from creating a character. Also keep in mind I may alter some details on your character, but it shouldn't be anything to major. Probably mainly just a weapon to fit your profession and back story.

Also with weapons, keep in mind that while it is true it's the future, just keep in mind that there are regulations to firearms and the such, so don't expect everyone to be running in, guns blazing, shooting down every creature that comes in the way.

Weapon of Choice:
Physical Description:
Additional Information:

And to finish, if you have any questions regarding the world in PSR, just feel free to ask and I will answer you to the best of my ability.
Last edited by Atlinsmere on Tue Jul 3, '12, 1:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Reviews of Phantasy Star Rift

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Jul 3, '12, 12:34 am

Interesting beginning to the story and a terrific ending sentence.

Looking forward to more of the story. :)

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