Reviews of Phantasy Star Alternate

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Postby Thoul » Fri Sep 26, '08, 2:54 am

I look forward to that alternate ending. With a story this creative, I know it's going to be great. :)

Just read the latest chapter. There's not enough land rover action in PS fics, so I'm really enjoying the focus on that right now. "Curses and swear words upon you!" made me laugh. :D
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Postby Thoul » Sat Oct 11, '08, 4:33 am

Wow, another great chapter. I love how you show the ordinary citizens in this story. Some know Lashiec is as bad as can be, but others still support him and don't realize just how far south things are going. It's an excellent touch.

And poor Alisa... It's beginning to look like redemption is not an option for her. Still, you might surprise me, so I look forward to seeing how it will turn out.
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Postby Snorb » Tue Nov 11, '08, 1:18 am

After God knows how long, Part 12's up at long last! Again, I'm sorry for the delay- getting attacked by a Real Life monster kinda sucks.

Now, my conundrum: Earlier in the topic, I said I had an alternate ending in mind. I don't quite know how to end the story- do I do the typical "Good guys win, bad guys lose" scenario, or do I pull a twistaroonie and have LaShiec victorious? I can't decide! T_T

So, I leave it to you, the readers- How should things work out in the end?
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Postby Celeith » Tue Nov 11, '08, 1:50 am

You could make a funny end where Lassic learns the folly of his ways and sits down with the group and shares a nice cup of green tea!
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Postby Thoul » Thu Nov 20, '08, 11:42 pm

Just caught up with the last two chapters. Excellent stuff as always. That was a nice little nod with Komada Way. I hope Suelo's family turns out to be okay - they're great characters and I really like them. It'll be interesting to see how they deal with Katya and vice versa.

I personally would like to see the good guys win. The only question on my mind would be - does Alis get to be good or not. She's fallen really far now. If she does get redeemed, she's going to have a lot to deal with afterward.

Poor Nero. :cry:
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Dec 15, '08, 10:44 pm

Very interesting, Snorb! Suspense is high and many unanswered questions remain for the future. Looking forward to it! :clap:

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Postby Snorb » Mon Dec 15, '08, 10:57 pm

And at long last, Chapter 13's up! Tried to make it more actiony, as opposed to the past few chapters. Hope you all enjoy! ^_^
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Dec 15, '08, 11:15 pm

Even more interesting than the last chapter, Snorb! Enjoyed all the excitement and danger in this one and what happened to Janey also. Sounds like there is more good stuff to come. Looking forward to it. Bravo!!!!!!! :)

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Postby Thoul » Tue Dec 16, '08, 7:17 am

Another excellent chapter. Poor Katya really took a hard hit in that one. It'll be interesting to see if she recovers or not. LaShiec and Alisa aren't going to be happy, though. If i was Dr. Mad, I'd be looking for a place to hide right about now. ;)
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Postby Snorb » Tue Dec 16, '08, 2:13 pm

Nah, the good doctor's still got Project Frag Algo to keep himself safe in case two guys and a Musk Cat invade. =p Project Frag Algo, coincidentally, is something along the lines of the powered armor from Aliens plus a laser cannon, missile launchers, and a chemical thrower that can happen to emulate Flaeli, Brose, or Tandle. Scifi at its questionable best!

'Tis almost over- just two chapters to go!
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