Reviews of Falling Star

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Reviews of Falling Star

Postby Review Type S-2 » Tue Mar 22, '11, 3:07 am


This topic is for reviews of Falling Star by tilinelson2. You may use this topic to let tilinelson2 know what you think of this work. When commenting, try to go into detail about what you enjoyed or thought could be improved. Both praise and constructive criticism are encouraged. Please refrain from making non-constructive criticisms.

Please keep your comments in this thread on the subject of Falling Star. If you would like to discuss another writing, please do so in that writing's review thread.

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Re: Reviews of Falling Star

Postby H-Man » Tue Mar 22, '11, 8:08 pm

I found this to be one of your better-written and more emotionally-affecting stories. I kinda got impatient with Kain for not opening his mouth and telling Nei how he felt, although I'm glad that at least she figured it out, so at least she'll die knowing that she was indeed loved by someone (even if he was a too chicken to tell her). You should try romance more often.
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Re: Reviews of Falling Star

Postby augmentedfourth » Tue Mar 22, '11, 10:11 pm

Aw, a cute romantic story where nobody's really tortured. :wink:

I think you portrayed both characters well, especially Kain who got little in the game other than "guy with a funny voice who breaks things". Writing accents is always difficult and his speech made me want to pull my hair out at some points, but I think that's supposed to be the point with him.

Of course we all know how things played out, so that makes the story more even more emotionally charged. Everyone should always say what they feel before it's too late! :p
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Re: Reviews of Falling Star

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Mar 23, '11, 3:21 am

:clap: Yay, for non-dark and non-gruesome fanfics!

Although I do kinda enjoy the dark and gruesome ones sometimes also. :wink:

Anyway, I agree with augmentedfourth about Kain's speech kinda getting on my nerves at some points, but I tried to listen more to "what" he was saying rather than "how" he was saying it, and that made it a little easier for me to enjoy the story.

Great title to the story, and very nicely written, and I find myself wishing that this one could be continued somehow, with both these characters getting brave enough to finally reveal their feelings to each other. Could be a heck of another story there somewhere. :wink:

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