Retranslation of the Phantasy Star II script

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Re: Retranslation of the Phantasy Star II script

Postby Thoul » Mon Aug 13, '12, 10:07 pm

That's an interesting take on it. The companions changed the course of civilization drastically by their actions on the ship Noah. Although they were not responsible for the events surrounding Palma, which I would think to have the largest impact on their civilization, the damage to Motavia thanks to losing the computer network was massive. Who knows how many lives were lost because Rolf landed the final blow on Mother Brain, rather than seeking some way to reprogram the computer?

If you think about it, Rolf and friends may have really "destroyed" two civilizations. After all, if they did wipe out the last of the Earthmen, that's another whole civilization and history lost. Even though they were corrupted, there's a degree of moral ambiguity to killing all of them.

It makes me wonder... would the Elsydeon cave be considered Heaven or Hell? On the one hand, it seems peaceful except for the ghost monsters. On the other, what soul wants to be stuck in a frozen cave for 1000 years?
Last edited by Thoul on Mon Aug 13, '12, 10:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Zio_Falz » Fri Nov 7, '14, 9:36 pm

Thoul wrote:
- "We created a large civilization there, which flourished for millions of years" - This gives us a better idea on Earth's age.

Just reading up on an old yet interesting article nonetheless. Are we certain it says millions of years, as in the numerical million, as opposed to it saying "we flourished there for a millennia."? it seems more plausible to me, however, i dont read japanese well. or at all. good discussion.
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Re: Retranslation of the Phantasy Star II script

Postby myau56 » Sat Jul 24, '21, 5:06 pm

A very good discussion ! But I can't tell you exactly...:(
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Re: Retranslation of the Phantasy Star II script

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Jul 27, '21, 11:55 pm

I don't know for certain either, but enjoyed reading this discussion on both pages so far. Hard to say exactly what was meant, imho. Hope someone else can shed some light on this.

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Re: Retranslation of the Phantasy Star II script

Postby myau56 » Thu Jul 29, '21, 1:07 pm

Silver_Surfer1 wrote:I don't know for certain either, but enjoyed reading this discussion on both pages so far. Hard to say exactly what was meant, imho. Hope someone else can shed some light on this.

Maybe one day we will undrestand ? ;)
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Re: Retranslation of the Phantasy Star II script

Postby Zio_Falz » Wed Aug 4, '21, 5:56 pm

Shinuzzo wrote:I don't know if you guys have seen this or not so I'll post it here. It's a something I found, that's not mentioned in the Phantasy Star II section of the site.

It clears some things up, but it's actually not as different as I thought from the offical translation.

Link is broke. Could the site finally be down?
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