Retranslation of the Phantasy Star II script

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Retranslation of the Phantasy Star II script

Postby Shinuzzo » Tue Apr 22, '08, 5:53 am

I don't know if you guys have seen this or not so I'll post it here. It's a something I found, that's not mentioned in the Phantasy Star II section of the site.

It clears some things up, but it's actually not as different as I thought from the offical translation.
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Postby Thoul » Tue Apr 22, '08, 8:24 pm

Hm, I think I've seen that before, but it had been such a long time that I had completely forgotten all about it. It's nice to see it again, so thanks for posting the link. It does have some interesting differences, though I really don't like the way they handled the names of Rolf & company.
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Postby Shinuzzo » Tue Apr 22, '08, 9:11 pm

Yeah, it clears something things particularly what happened to Arima, the confrontation in Climatrol, plus the scenes with Mother Brain and the Earthmen.

It's a pretty large change that Rolf and crew strike first against the Earthmen in the retranslation and the Earthmen attack first in the offical one.

Also from the ending scene.

SOA's translation-
Shir: I refuse to be a slave of fate! I will be the master of my own future!

Shir: We will not be controlled by destiny, we will merely control destiny itself and create our future!

It seems that Shir go from considering herself part of the group to being an individual.

SOA's translation-
Anna: These are my parting words to you; those who give up are doomed.

Anna: If we are going to die, we will at least try to take you down with us!

Anna looks to have gained some confidence.
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Postby newsblade » Tue Apr 22, '08, 11:58 pm

There are other interesting things:

- In AW1274 Rolf died, only then Lutz saved him, by casting REVER. This was similar to what happen to Alis when she fought DF - she died and then was revived (by herself, not Lutz).
- In AW1284 Rolf dies once more (as their colleagues). Gaira crashed in Parma only then these pirates wanted to loot the trashed satellite and found those dead bodies. Then, they cloned them. (I think this is not so clear in English translation).
- "What would these warriors see once they complete their task... " (this gives me more hope to protectors' destiny than the line of SoA translation)
- "We created a large civilization there, which flourished for millions of years" - This gives us a better idea on Earth's age.
- Telemental was replaced by the word "Esper"
- A different line in Esper mansion gives the idea that not only Alis is there, but also Odin (unless the plural was a mistake).

Other Espers
The warriors who protected Algol now sleep in peace here.
He told us that he shall once more awaken, when you and your men arrive here.
He had been placed under cold sleep in order to wake up in the future and protect it.
He had decided to hide here in Dezoris when Mother Brain appeared.
He rises from his eternal sleep every decade.
We protect him, since it is our duty that was passed on from every generation.
Cold room guards
We are most pleased to see you. He who we have protected up until this day now awaits.
Personally, I would like for him to sleep in peace without disturbance... (sleep chamber opens)

I'll try to read it more carefully and find more.
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Postby Thoul » Wed Apr 23, '08, 12:15 am

- "We created a large civilization there, which flourished for millions of years" - This gives us a better idea on Earth's age.

That really puts a new spin on the Earth ending of PSIII, doesn't it? If PSII's Dark Force is really the one that went to Earth, then it would have been truly ancient by PSII.

- A different line in Esper mansion gives the idea that not only Alis is there, but also Odin (unless the plural was a mistake).

The warriors who protected Algol now sleep in peace here.

It could be a reference to Elsydeon's cave. Alis said the spirits of the Protectors were sheltering the sword, so perhaps they were already there. It kind of strengthens the Neisword = Elsydeon theory.
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Postby newsblade » Wed Apr 23, '08, 12:36 am

That really puts a new spin on the Earth ending of PSIII, doesn't it? If PSII's Dark Force is really the one that went to Earth, then it would have been truly ancient by PSII.

They also say: "We wondered hopelessly through the universe searching for another home. Then we found Algol, your star system"
They didn't seem to know anything about Algol when departed.

Man... this could provoke a cataclysm in many fans!

Ok, let me support the other side: "which flourished for millions of years." Our planet was green, because our technology was perfect like yours (scientific advanced, but at the same time, ecological advanced as well). Our Pangaea was, once again, with the same shape it had during 1000BC and 3000AD. London was the super potency at that time... but then a spaceship called AlisaIII arrived and, some months after we begun to be controlled by DF. We knew the evil force, Dark Farusu, existed in our minds, but were unable to suppress it. We soon began to grow fond of controlling the natural world through scientific means. We only recognized we were killing ourselves when the planet began to crumble before our very own eyes. The survivors, which you see now, barely made it to this ship and escaped. We destroyed Earth and departed to where the evil conducted us. 1000 years have passed since it arrived through a black hole... and now you've destroyed it!

Ok, this seams to me very unlikely, because it seamed Earth of our days. However it's still... possible.

It could be a reference to Elsydeon's cave. Alis said the spirits of the Protectors were sheltering the sword, so perhaps they were already there. It kind of strengthens the Neisword = Elsydeon theory.

I like it!
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Postby hugues » Thu Apr 24, '08, 10:54 pm

newsblade wrote:- "What would these warriors see once they complete their task... " (this gives me more hope to protectors' destiny than the line of SoA translation)

I read that and originally thought it to be a reference to a direct sequel. Thinking about it more, it seems as depressing as the original English translation. What will become of Mota without Mother Brain controlling everything? Either translation just sends a shiver up your spine.
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Re: Retranslation of the Phantasy Star II script

Postby newsblade » Tue Jul 24, '12, 8:20 pm

Just notice that:
1. Our Sol system was created before Algol star system.
2. Our Sol system was created during the long battle between GL and PD.

The Algol Solar System Chronological Table contains the hidden history of the Algol Solar System up to the time of the "Millennium". So, according to Compendium Information:

2 million years ago Algol Star System is created

AW1284 - Earthmen speaking to Yusis
"We created a large civilization [on Earth], which flourished for millions of years."

1) Earth human race have grown into a large civilization
2) Then that civilization flourished for "millions of years". "Millions" is plural so human
race has flourished for, at least, 2 million years (probably more).

What do we have here...:
- 2 million years before Phantasy Star IV is about BW 1997716 (This is +/- when Algol was created)
- 2 million years before Phantasy Star II is about BW 1998716 which is already more ancient than the creation of Algol, but we are not finished yet. Noah arrived to Algol in AW 822, so the planet Earth was destroyed, at least, in AW821. If Earth was destroyed in AW821 then the "civilization flourished" until AW821. So, we should count 2 million years before AW821 and not "2 million years before PSII".

In that case 2 million years before AW821 is about BW 1999179 which is even more ancient than the creation of Algol (about 1463 years before the creation of Algol). Earth was probably created some million years before Algol, but the given limit in this calculations was just to be safe.

BW1999179 -----> BW 1997716 -----> AW821 --------> AW1284 -----> AW2284
Our Sol System -> Algol Star System -> Noah arrives -> PSII -> PSIV
Last edited by newsblade on Tue Jul 24, '12, 8:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Retranslation of the Phantasy Star II script

Postby Thoul » Tue Jul 24, '12, 9:40 pm

It also really drives home that Phantasy Star is a far future setting. For human civilization to flourish for that long, AW 821 must be incredibly far down our current calendar system.
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Re: Retranslation of the Phantasy Star II script

Postby rotschleim » Mon Aug 13, '12, 2:21 pm

To me, the line "What would these warriors see when they completed their task...?" seems more like a question of morality.

Alrighty, spoilers abound from here on out!

So it's generally accepted that Rolf and companions died fighting the Earthmen, but were ultimately victorious in wiping them out, right? To me, that line says, "Did they reach Heaven for attaining their goal and freeing the Algol star system of its chains? Or will they find Hell when they're done thanks to essentially destroying an entire civilization's most base way of life?"

Things on Motavia aren't going to exactly pretty for the next fifty to one hundred years.

It's such a vague line though that it's open to interpretation!
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