Remote Control inventor dies

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Remote Control inventor dies

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu May 24, '12, 3:46 pm

Eugene Polley, the inventor of the TV Remote Control, has passed away at the age of 96: ... nance.html

Many thanks to Mr. Polley, as he has made all our lives a little easier and happier with his invention.

May he r.i.p. :tombstone: :rose:

Condolences to his family.

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Re: Remote Control inventor dies

Postby Thoul » Fri May 25, '12, 3:42 am

He was certainly a pioneer of technology. Without him breaking ground with the remote, we wouldn't have things like the motion controls in games or wireless devices today.

Also, it amuses me greatly that the original remote control was shaped like a gun. It would probably be illegal to sell one of those in a store today.
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