I was raised catholic too. But, well, I read the entire bible, several times over. No offense, but I find the old testament, incredibly violent, misogynist, spiteful, genocidal, among many other things. The new testament, I find a bit better, however there are some questionable things, that even Christ states, if you want examples I can provide.
I am also a person with a disability, as I am a disabled veteran. I served in the operation Iraqi freedom and operation enduring freedom, during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, and I have a spinal cord injury, and I lost the use of my left arm, but still have hand function. I also endured a "foot drop"due to a common peroneal nerve injury, so I had to have surgery, so I can walk now properly, but I can't run, and I used to be quite athletic. regardless, I pressed on, finished medical school, and live life to the fullest that I can.
it wasn't my injury that made me lose my faith in god or any god, was actually when I was 15 and I read the Bible for the 1st time, and I had asked the priest about the inconsistencies and contradictions in the Bible that I found unacceptable, and his responses were not adequate. I thus quit the church then. have not looked back, not once. Even online, I find a lot of justifications, ll inadequate, especially from the non-catholic type christianity. again this is my personal view.
I find religion interesting. Which is why I have this topic. I read the quran front back in English, as I do not speak arabic. I also read the torah, talmud, tohar, and I find those to be while entertaining along with the quran, inadequate also. also, incredibly violent. However the Zohar, preaches nonviolence is actually a decent read but not enough to convert me to Judaism. I was raised Catholic, but I come from a family that was once Polish Jews, who were forced to convert to catholicism, about 100 years ago.
I read the other, more esoteric religions, but find them to be just as inadequate, to me. But some are quite interesting or at least amusing. To me.
Again I find religion interesting, and I respect your views, Rylen, and empathize with the disability that you have and live with but am proud that you press on regardless. that's what life is about. pressing on and living your fullest. to me at least.
Last edited by Zio_Falz on Mon Apr 5, '21, 5:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.