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 Post subject: Religion among us
PostPosted: Fri Apr 2, '21, 5:52 am 
Seeing that we have members who celebrate Good Friday, or passion project like The Lego Church project, I feel that I must ask, in this casual conversation forum that those other posts are also in or alluded to, the question:

How many among us fans of Phantasy Star are religious, spiritual, or whatever close to that description, regardless of denomination or belief system, creed or religion?

I find it interesting. I am, well, very intrigued by religion, and well read upon them, even the minority or extinct religions, thus find it interesting, and thus want to ask this.

Take no offense, and be open-minded, respectful, and accepting of others, regardless of their beliefs, or lack there of, even if you disagree.

Thank you.

Last edited by Zio_Falz on Fri Apr 2, '21, 5:52 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Religion among us
PostPosted: Fri Apr 2, '21, 5:59 am 
As for me, I tread between Atheist (which isnt a belief system at all; rather a lack thereof, one) and Agnostic (which that term, agnostic, literally means, "I don't know" , or, "without knowledge", because I cannot offer a statistic nor proof that there is absolutely no deity or deities out there,) administrating whatever this, life, is.
Yet admittedly, I lean more toward the atheistic end of that spectrum, because the absence of evidence, is in itself, not evidence.
That's just me.
How about just you?

I find it interesting and respect your answers.
Be polite.

 Post subject: Re: Religion among us
PostPosted: Fri Apr 2, '21, 12:39 pm 
Zio_Falz wrote:As for me, I tread between Atheist (which isnt a belief system at all; rather a lack thereof, one) and Agnostic (which that term, agnostic, literally means, "I don't know" , or, "without knowledge", because I cannot offer a statistic nor proof that there is absolutely no deity or deities out there,) administrating whatever this, life, is.
Yet admittedly, I lean more toward the atheistic end of that spectrum, because the absence of evidence, is in itself, not evidence.
That's just me.
How about just you?

I find it interesting and respect your answers.
Be polite.

exactly like you ! Between the two but you are right : the essential is to be polite and respect each other beliefs ! :)

 Post subject: Re: Religion among us
PostPosted: Fri Apr 2, '21, 2:44 pm 
Since the Lego Church Project got mentioned. I figured I had to chime in.

I am Catholic. Aside from the usual reasons "because I know it to be true". One of the other reasons why I am a believer is that though out the history of the entire church. Many of the ones we declare as saints had their own challenges and in some cases a disability. You see though their eyes how they remained faithful even in their own struggles. I have a mild form of cerebral palsy. I feel the comfort and peace of Christ with in me even with in the storms that would seek to ruin me. It does rely on a lot of emotion. But their are things that go on in this world that cannot be easily explained by science and logic. However when you look into the not just the Bible. But also though the teachings of the church. You see that such things have happened and do happen every day. If you want some kind of understanding. I suggest checking out the life of (Blessed) Father Solanus Casey. His story is amazing and the challenges he faced were great. But he truly had a love of Christ with in his heart. Something that I myself try to have in my own right. Lot of that comes though with in my own work on the Project. Something that I've been doing for twenty-two years straight.

 Post subject: Re: Religion among us
PostPosted: Mon Apr 5, '21, 5:29 pm 
I was raised catholic too. But, well, I read the entire bible, several times over. No offense, but I find the old testament, incredibly violent, misogynist, spiteful, genocidal, among many other things. The new testament, I find a bit better, however there are some questionable things, that even Christ states, if you want examples I can provide.

I am also a person with a disability, as I am a disabled veteran. I served in the operation Iraqi freedom and operation enduring freedom, during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, and I have a spinal cord injury, and I lost the use of my left arm, but still have hand function. I also endured a "foot drop"due to a common peroneal nerve injury, so I had to have surgery, so I can walk now properly, but I can't run, and I used to be quite athletic. regardless, I pressed on, finished medical school, and live life to the fullest that I can.

it wasn't my injury that made me lose my faith in god or any god, was actually when I was 15 and I read the Bible for the 1st time, and I had asked the priest about the inconsistencies and contradictions in the Bible that I found unacceptable, and his responses were not adequate. I thus quit the church then. have not looked back, not once. Even online, I find a lot of justifications, ll inadequate, especially from the non-catholic type christianity. again this is my personal view.

I find religion interesting. Which is why I have this topic. I read the quran front back in English, as I do not speak arabic. I also read the torah, talmud, tohar, and I find those to be while entertaining along with the quran, inadequate also. also, incredibly violent. However the Zohar, preaches nonviolence is actually a decent read but not enough to convert me to Judaism. I was raised Catholic, but I come from a family that was once Polish Jews, who were forced to convert to catholicism, about 100 years ago.

I read the other, more esoteric religions, but find them to be just as inadequate, to me. But some are quite interesting or at least amusing. To me.

Again I find religion interesting, and I respect your views, Rylen, and empathize with the disability that you have and live with but am proud that you press on regardless.
that's what life is about. pressing on and living your fullest. to me at least.

Last edited by Zio_Falz on Mon Apr 5, '21, 5:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: Religion among us
PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, '21, 7:24 pm 
I am, and was raised, Southern Baptist. I still have a very strong faith but I certainly don't have the same views as many of those within Southern Baptists. Like yourself Zio, I feel you should be polite, kind and empathetic regardless if you agree or disagree. After all, we're all human and aren't any less. I'm also apt to be open-minded more often than not as well as glad to be wrong so long as it's solid proof I am (i.e. avoiding the "you're wrong because I don't agree" mentality that is prevalent on social media).

 Post subject: Re: Religion among us
PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, '21, 2:22 am 
I think I've said here before I am not religious nor spiritual, the closest I have is some stripe of Zen/Mahayana Buddhism, as I do certain practices such as regular meditation and some things like that. But that's about it. Personally, I don't care what someone believes (or not), I only care that you're just a decent person. I've found in my 34 years so far on this blue Earth that great people of all faiths (or no faith) exist. Awful people of all faiths (or no faith) exist.

 Post subject: Re: Religion among us
PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, '21, 1:37 pm 
Wolf Bird wrote:I think I've said here before I am not religious nor spiritual, the closest I have is some stripe of Zen/Mahayana Buddhism, as I do certain practices such as regular meditation and some things like that. But that's about it. Personally, I don't care what someone believes (or not), I only care that you're just a decent person. I've found in my 34 years so far on this blue Earth that great people of all faiths (or no faith) exist. Awful people of all faiths (or no faith) exist.

It's posts like these that I wish we had to ability to "like" or "highlight." Very well said Wolf Bird as I can't agree with your statement more!

 Post subject: Re: Religion among us
PostPosted: Sat May 1, '21, 1:44 am 
Wolf Bird wrote: I've found in my 34 years so far on this blue Earth that great people of all faiths (or no faith) exist. Awful people of all faiths (or no faith) exist.

Absolutely true in my opinion as well. Well said!

 Post subject: Re: Religion among us
PostPosted: Mon May 3, '21, 1:40 pm 
Silver_Surfer1 wrote:
Wolf Bird wrote: I've found in my 34 years so far on this blue Earth that great people of all faiths (or no faith) exist. Awful people of all faiths (or no faith) exist.

Absolutely true in my opinion as well. Well said!

A perfect statement ! :clap: :up:

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