Red Velvet Oreo Cookies

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Red Velvet Oreo Cookies

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Jan 20, '15, 10:02 pm

Oreo cookies are welcoming another new flavor into their long line of delicious cookie products. Beginning in February look for Red Velvet Oreo Cookies: ... finery2911

Should be a sweet Valentine's Day treat and a tasty treat for any other time also. I love red velvet cake. I wonder if these new cookies will taste anything like the cake???

If anyone gets to try them, let us know if you like them, or not.

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Re: Red Velvet Oreo Cookies

Postby Rylen » Tue Jan 20, '15, 11:15 pm

I'll try them. But not because of the day. (Which in my opinion is the most evil of days in the year).
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Re: Red Velvet Oreo Cookies

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Feb 2, '16, 2:23 am

I happened to see some of these Red Velvet Oreo Cookies today at the grocery store so I picked up a pack to take home. Just tried them awhile ago, and I must say that I really do not like them very much. They don't taste like Red Velvet to me. They don't even look Red Velvet that much. They seem to be a little harder than the regular oreo cookies also. Really surprised as I thought I would like them. But no.

Anyone else tried them yet?

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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