Real-Life Furbys

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Real-Life Furbys

Postby Atlinsmere » Wed Nov 19, '08, 6:25 am

So I was randomly searching around and I came across this article telling of Indonesia's Pygmy Tarsier, a species that was thought to be extinct for 70 years, and look alot like Furby's as well.

Click here for the article.

So what do you think about these creatures? Are they cute? Creepy? Cool? Would you like one as a pet?
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Re: Real-Life Furbys

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Nov 19, '08, 7:28 pm

Trenzer wrote:So what do you think about these creatures? Are they cute? Creepy? Cool? Would you like one as a pet?

Interesting creatures. Cute, No! Creepy, Yes! Cool, no way! Would I like one- I don't think so.

Honestly, I never understood the fad or rage for Furby's to begin with. To each his own, though.

I do think it is very interesting in hearing about different kinds of species of animals, etc., that we don't know much about or haven't seen too much of.

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Postby Thoul » Wed Nov 19, '08, 9:06 pm

They sound like fascinating creatures to study, especially with the theory about how they communicate. It sounds like they are awfully small, though. I don't think I would want to have one as a pet, because it would probably have to stay in a case most of the time.
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Postby Lemina » Thu Nov 20, '08, 11:43 pm

...They do look like Furby's. :misspeak:


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