Newspaper goes online only

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Newspaper goes online only

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Mar 17, '09, 9:56 pm

In this continueing saga of newspapers having problems and folding, here is one newspaper that has ceased print and will now be done online only.

Is this a trend that will be happening with other newspapers in the future?

It's kind of sad, especially since this newspaper was over 140 years old. :(

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Postby Thoul » Tue Mar 17, '09, 11:06 pm

I sort of doubt this would be a viable way to survive for most newspapers. The really big ones that have national or other widespread distribution, the ones that are household names, might be able to pull it off. I think most of the newspapers around today are too small for it to work though. The small town papers wouldn't get enough traffic on their website to stay in business.
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Postby LordShibas » Tue Mar 17, '09, 11:27 pm

I think it will be a growing trend. More and more people are getting their news online and it just seems like a natural evolution. Some gaming publications will probably do the same.
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