Rain and Flooding

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Rain and Flooding

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Sep 22, '09, 11:03 pm

I've noticed in the news reports that several states in the US are having problems with flooding due to all the rain that has been occuring the past few days or weeks, etc. Some schools have even had to shut down because of this.

Any flooding problems in the area where you live?

Be careful, and Stay safe everyone! :yes:

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Re: Rain and Flooding

Postby Wolf Bird » Wed Sep 23, '09, 1:21 am

Actually, it's kind of dry in these parts...not like we need anymore excitement in Pittsburgh with the G-20 summit that's got everyone on edge.
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Re: Rain and Flooding

Postby Lucas » Wed Sep 23, '09, 8:59 am

We don't have to worry about floods and rain for a while its to dry so we have had two bush fires in the past week but not serious ones thankfully. :relieved:

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Re: Rain and Flooding

Postby Thoul » Thu Sep 24, '09, 11:07 pm

We've gotten a lot of rain in the past few weeks, but no flooding. I saw a place about an hour south of here on TV the other day, where the flooding was terrible. They showed a school and said the water went all the way up to the roof. The school's a total loss now due to the water damage.
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