Purple Squirrel

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Purple Squirrel

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Feb 11, '12, 6:47 am

These folks found a purple squirrel and after caging him for awhile they just let him go:

http://cosmiclog.msnbc.msn.com/_news/20 ... ery-behind

If you found a purple squirrel, would you just let it go??? I mean, imagine how rare that squirrel would be if he is really purple...if it was me that found it, I'd be calling the radio stations, the tv stations, and getting ready to collect a million bucks for a rare squirrel, lol. If nothing else, I'd just want to find out why it was purple.

Cute litte guy though, isn't he?

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Re: Purple Squirrel

Postby Lucas » Sat Feb 11, '12, 9:44 am

Interesting animal, I would have taken photos for sure. But I would have let the poor animal go, rather than hand it over to the media or wildlife service’s if nothing is wrong with the creature and it was happily minding its own business without any human interference to begin with.

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Re: Purple Squirrel

Postby Thoul » Sun Feb 12, '12, 11:18 pm

I'm not sure what I'd do if I had been the one to encounter the squirrel. On the one hand, I am really curious as to why it was purple. Maybe it just got into something that dyed the fur, but maybe it's some kind of rare genetic condition. Letting someone qualified examine it to make sure it's okay seems like a good idea.
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Re: Purple Squirrel

Postby myau56 » Thu Jan 17, '13, 10:35 pm

Beautiful color for this squirrel : amazing species ! Seems to be very rare indeed : did someone found another one like this ?
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