PSO Promotional - already 15 years

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PSO Promotional - already 15 years

Postby Aeroprism » Tue Jul 22, '14, 3:10 am

A discussion in another topic made me remember this video so I re-watched it for the heck of it. When I first saw this in 1999, I went mad with anticipation, I wanted this game so bad and God knows I have played the heck out of it for hundreds and hundreds of hours.

This video still makes me shiver. It's been 15 years. Where does the time go?

I feel old. :(
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Re: PSO Promotional - already 15 years

Postby Tweeg » Wed Jul 23, '14, 4:45 am

"Within the virtual world, the internet."

Ah yes, I remember downoading this video after I got into the game in. Must have been sometime in 2002 or 2003 when I became obsessed with PSO data collection. And yes, my how the time has flown by. Seems like only yesterday I was sitting in this very room at this very desk, in a far less comfortable chair, playing PSO on the official Dreamcast servers. Also seems like only yestersay that I was a mere few months behind adding in-game pictures to my website... eight years behind isn't really so bad, or so I keep telling myself. :shiftyeyes:

Hard to believe this is an example of a current advertisement they now use for PSO(s):
Last edited by Tweeg on Wed Jul 23, '14, 4:45 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: PSO Promotional - already 15 years

Postby Aeroprism » Wed Jul 23, '14, 11:49 am

... what the fridge...

Why are they dragging my beautiful Phantasy Star into.... whatever that is?
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Re: PSO Promotional - already 15 years

Postby Atlinsmere » Wed Jul 23, '14, 5:41 pm

That reminds me of plenty of manga I've read. The sad thing is, seeing it live action just doesn't work. At all.
A simple text based signature? That's impossible!
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