Epic Mickey

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Epic Mickey

Postby Lucas » Wed Oct 20, '10, 6:55 am

An interesting new game coming out for the Wii, starring Mickey Mouse. I'm not a huge fan of any Disney things really with the exception of some Pixar Movies. But this game looks alright, I'd totally buy it, the last and only Mickey mouse game I’ve played is Castle of Illusion on the Sega Master System which was nearly eight years ago. The art style in this game looks good too.

http://www.ebgames.com.au/wii-150902-Ep ... ntendo-Wii


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Re: Epic Mickey

Postby Snorb » Wed Oct 20, '10, 12:01 pm

Ah, this. I describe it at work as "Mickey Mouse goes to Hell, and Hell is a messed-up clockwork run-down parody of Disneyworld. One of the bosses is a clockwork abomination/fusion of Jaffar and Tigger. One of the songs is 'It's a Small World' with the lyrics reversed so it's 'War is better, Walt's asleep.' You can leave Donald Duck to die at your whim."

(Yes, I'm interested in this. If only I have money. Damn you, car payments and insurance being due when Fallout New Vegas, this, and Sonic 4 come out.)
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Re: Epic Mickey

Postby Thoul » Wed Oct 20, '10, 9:44 pm

I usually pass on games based on Disney cartoons, but this one looks interesting. I like the concept of creating and removing things in the game world to progress. Should be worth renting, at least.
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Re: Epic Mickey

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Oct 20, '10, 9:52 pm

Snorb wrote: One of the songs is 'It's a Small World' with the lyrics reversed so it's 'War is better, Walt's asleep.' You can leave Donald Duck to die at your whim."

Oh my! :yikes: I think Walt would turn over in his grave if he heard and saw that game.

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Re: Epic Mickey

Postby Snorb » Sun Oct 31, '10, 1:22 am

Yeah, I really want to hear the conversation that led to Epic Mickey being "Mickey Mouse goes to a Hell of his own creation." Academic curiosity. =D
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