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 Post subject: PSIV: Art Project
PostPosted: Tue Oct 21, '08, 4:14 pm 
I'm looking for volunteers to help with a somewhat major project. The plan is to alter the original; PSIV character portraits into typographic images. The problem I'm currently facing is that my ideas are beginning to run dry. I've already gotten Chaz done, but I need some inspiration.
So you aren't left wondering just what the hell Heikabuchi is rambling on about, let me explain. . .Onc
In the case of Chaz's portrait, I took his image into Adobe Illustrator created lineart by using text. In the example I will provide, the outline text reads "Phantasy STar IV in black. Once the outline was finished, I filled in Chaz's hair with yellow "Chaz Ashley" and so on.
Anyhow, my explanations absolutely suck, so I'll try to summarize this by saying.. Each colored line of text has something to do with Chaz. The red in his armor says "Megid" since Megid is a fire spell, his skin says NaZan, since sand is more-or-less the skin color etc. Anyhow, what I'm trying to get at is that I need some help. Ive seen Darktrice's amazing graph paper rendering of the PSIV portrait and that's what gave me the idea to tackle the project, but I'm running out of material. I need some stuff to write on Alys, Rune Wren, and Kyra. . . Any ideas?

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Oct 21, '08, 4:57 pm 
o.o Woah woah woah woah woah woah....woah. (Insert Peter's line here involving him claiming that a glass he is holding is not his Batman glass.)

You actually got the idea from seeing my work?

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Oct 21, '08, 5:53 pm 
Sure did. =) Your graph paper work sparked quite a few ideas over the past few months. I've been a fan of them since I saw them last year, but I've never quite been able to apply the inspiration until now. On that note, I was wondering if you'd do some more? I'd really like to see some rendering of Rune. How about it?

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Oct 21, '08, 6:27 pm 
Rune, eh? Hmm...I'll have to think about it. I've got one other drawing I'd like to work on for a friend. Though I would prefer to do more work in one of the other Phantasy Star titles.

That aside, I think I owe you a thanks for being this big of a fan.

 Post subject: Re: PSIV: Art Project
PostPosted: Tue Oct 21, '08, 8:55 pm 
Heikabuchi wrote:Anyhow, what I'm trying to get at is that I need some help. Ive seen Darktrice's amazing graph paper rendering of the PSIV portrait and that's what gave me the idea to tackle the project, but I'm running out of material. I need some stuff to write on Alys, Rune Wren, and Kyra. . . Any ideas?

Your idea sounds really cool! I'd love to see that Chaz pic! As for the others...hmm..why not find a game script and use quotes from the characters? I think that that would work.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Oct 21, '08, 9:40 pm 
Quote:I need some stuff to write on Alys, Rune Wren, and Kyra. . . Any ideas?

Why not look at their spells and attacks? You used Megid in red for Chaz, so maybe Effess or Legeon in blue for Rune?

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, '08, 12:18 am 
Sounds like an idea to me. I'll be sure to post the finished product. ;D

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