PSIII's monsters and cyborgs: where did they come from?

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PSIII's monsters and cyborgs: where did they come from?

Postby Thoul » Wed Jun 20, '07, 5:59 pm

In PSIII, the humans have laws that forbid them from directly killing each other, so they use armies of cyborgs/androids and biomonsters to attack enemy nations.

I suppose that the first several generations of the 'borgs and monsters were created in labs or factories. Some of those 'borgs were probably sealed on the satellite with Siren until Ayn's adventure. By the time of Rhys, it would seem like the technology to create new 'borgs and monsters would have been lost. Given the feudal civilization they live in, I can't believe they would still have such tech and not put it to use in improving their living conditions.

So, where do you think most of the enemies we see in PSIII come from?
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Postby Rune Sa Riik » Wed Jun 20, '07, 9:32 pm

In PSIII, the humans have laws that forbid them from directly killing each other, so they use armies of cyborgs/androids and biomonsters to attack enemy nations.

This is not absolutely correct. Laya and Orakio left this laws just before their death and before it killing each other wasn't forbidden. As you remember, during the final battle both sides were destroyed. Only Miun and Sirren left from the Orakian army and only Alair, Lune and Laya from the Layan army. I suppose that both sides had humans in their armies.

About monsters and cyborgs. So, cyborgs possibly were created by Sirren and cyborgs in dungeons of the first generation are remains of Orakian army that were not involved in the final battle. The same goes to monsters, some of them were created by Lune, some could be remains of the Layan army. :idea: And some of them simply can be wild animals :)
Please, excuse my terrible grammar! =)
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Re: PSIII's monsters and cyborgs: where did they come from?

Postby The $ Avenger » Wed Jun 20, '07, 11:11 pm

Since PSIV Wren is 997 years old, and there were cyborgs in PSII, I assumed the cyborgs aboard the Alisa III came from Algo. Like Thoul said, the society in PSIII is feudal, and doesn't appear to have any way to manufacture cyborgs or monsters. As for the monsters... I've always thought they were simply a manifestation of Dark Force being on board. The monsters in PSI and PSIV simply came out of nowhere. Perhaps the same occurred on board the Alisa III?

This topic makes me wonder if there is any truth at all to the PSIII "Devastation War". Since the Laya Pendant says Orakio and Laya teamed up to fight Dark Force, I wonder if they weren't like Rulakir and simply possessed by DF and fighting each other to the death. I wonder.
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Re: PSIII's monsters and cyborgs: where did they come from?

Postby Tsunami » Thu Jun 21, '07, 4:48 am

I think that any cyborgs that existed simply remain from the war. I don't look too far into that. ;)

As for the monsters... I think that it's possible that some could've been bred. Like...chirpers! They are living creatures after all. :p
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Re: PSIII's monsters and cyborgs: where did they come from?

Postby Neithird » Thu Jun 21, '07, 5:02 am

I think some of the monsters would have definitely come from Dark Force, but not all of them. Some of the bad guys in the final dungeon were the magicians that served Dark Force in PS 2 and 4. You know, these guys? Image So those guys are definitely DF related.

The biomonsters on Motavia in PS4 were grown by machines from Seed's complex. They didn't just appear because Dark Force was around (well, they did, because Zio tampered with Seed's machines, but you know what I mean).

One thing about machines in PS is that they are made to last. Lots of stuff in PS3 and PS4 is still running great after more than 1000 years. I don't think it is far fetched to say there are old labs or factories out there running on automatic and still churning out monsters and cyborgs. And like Rune said, some of the monsters could also be descended from Laya's originals that have gone out into the wild.

I think Cille's dome is the only place where the war is said to still be active before Siren and Lune return. There's two castles there (I can't recall the names... not Cille, but the others) where people talk about fighting each other with cyborgs and monsters.
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Re: PSIII's monsters and cyborgs: where did they come from?

Postby Tsunami » Thu Jun 21, '07, 5:05 am

Neithird wrote:I think Cille's dome is the only place where the war is said to still be active before Siren and Lune return. There's two castles there (I can't recall the names... not Cille, but the others) where people talk about fighting each other with cyborgs and monsters.

Aquatica's the name of the world. And the castles you're thinking of are Shusoran and Agoe, I believe. :D
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Re: PSIII's monsters and cyborgs: where did they come from?

Postby Neithird » Thu Jun 21, '07, 5:16 am

Yeah, those are the ones! Thanks, I can never remember those two. I'm pretty good with most of the names in PS3, but those always make me :hmm: .
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Re: PSIII's monsters and cyborgs: where did they come from?

Postby Thoul » Thu Jun 21, '07, 6:57 pm

This topic makes me wonder if there is any truth at all to the PSIII "Devastation War". Since the Laya Pendant says Orakio and Laya teamed up to fight Dark Force, I wonder if they weren't like Rulakir and simply possessed by DF and fighting each other to the death. I wonder.

I think the war definitely happened - the Pendant says they were fighting for years. We see a lot of ruined cities, too, even in Landen where there are only Orakians and no Layans while the dome is sealed.

It is probable that Orakio and Laya were included by DF, though. The PS Compendium translation says Laya was at least.

I don't think it is far fetched to say there are old labs or factories out there running on automatic and still churning out monsters and cyborgs.

Wouldn't they run out of parts or materials eventually? I wonder if there's some kind of recycling program that takes parts from broken 'borgs and uses them in new ones.

This thread reminds me... did anyone else notice some of the enemies in PSIII looked a lot like Nei? They had a tail, which was part of the original design for Nei, too. I should try to get a screenshot of those sometime.
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Re: PSIII's monsters and cyborgs: where did they come from?

Postby Tsunami » Fri Jun 22, '07, 12:23 am

Thoul wrote:This thread reminds me... did anyone else notice some of the enemies in PSIII looked a lot like Nei? They had a tail, which was part of the original design for Nei, too. I should try to get a screenshot of those sometime.

None come to mind, unless you're talking about the Catwoman/Tigress/Lioness group...though I'm sure that's a dagger at her hip. :D
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Re: PSIII's monsters and cyborgs: where did they come from?

Postby The $ Avenger » Fri Jun 22, '07, 1:57 am

Neithird wrote:The biomonsters on Motavia in PS4 were grown by machines from Seed's complex. They didn't just appear because Dark Force was around (well, they did, because Zio tampered with Seed's machines, but you know what I mean).

Forgot about that part! When I was making my patches, I was just breezing through the dialogue!

Also, you're right about those DF monsters. It only seems to spawn those "evil" element creatures like the Xe-A-Thouls.

And in regard to where the monsters came from, I suppose there must be some way to breed monsters on board, which is supported, (maybe,) by the fact that Lyle can turn into one! BTW, how'd he do that??? That suggests some bio-engineering possibilities. Though I still want to see a Chirper farm someplace!
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