PSII Text Adventures

Continue the story of Algo in side story, remake, and collection games.

Re: PSII Text Adventures

Postby Tanith » Sun Jun 26, '11, 1:29 pm

Feels weird updating this thread now, but perhaps this is good timing since Thoul is adding text adventure pictures to the gallery. :)

I've been transcribing the games. I'd actually already done it once before, but those files seem to have been lost. Actually, I lost a lot of my PS stuff, including some of my yet-to-be-published fanfics. :(

Anyway, stuff happens, and no need to sit around and pout about it when it's a good opportunity to play the games again and re-transcribe them.

So far I've completed Eusis's and Rudger's adventures. They can be found at these links, but fair warning, the transcriptions basically work like a walkthrough of the games. There's really no way around that, so if you're interested in playing the games with no help, you probably shouldn't read these.

Eusis's Adventure: ... y=COTaifcM

Rudger's Adventure: ... y=CPni0-AE

Credit where credit's due: Translations were provided by the good folks at M.I.J.E.T. I wish I knew who to credit personally for taking the time to translate these games. As small as the text adventures are, they really flesh out the people and places of PSII.

Feel free to repost these transcriptions wherever you'd like. You can give me credit if you like, but I don't insist on it. I'm just happy to provide these to any and all PS fans.
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Re: PSII Text Adventures

Postby myau56 » Mon Dec 31, '12, 12:41 pm

I haven't started yet those PSII text adventures, shame on me that's for sure ! But I would like to ask something : for you, what is the "best story" to start ? I know that is a difficult question as the answers will be very different but I would like to know : for you, which adventure is the less interesting, and which one seems to be the most interesting, or maybe a sort of ranking.
With that, I'll start with the less interesting and will finish with...the most interesting, as you guessed all ! :)
Thanks in advance and see you soon ! :up:
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Re: PSII Text Adventures

Postby Thoul » Sun Jan 6, '13, 4:57 am

Hm, that's an interesting question. It's difficult for me to rank them. I haven't played these games in quite a while, so they are not fresh in my mind.

I remember Rolf's being the least impressive of the lot. I think I would rank them, from most to least interesting, like this:


I have to say that the most interesting thing about Hugh's adventure is seeing the roots of Phantasy Star IV's Academy subplot. If not for that, I wouldn't rank it quite as highly.
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Re: PSII Text Adventures

Postby myau56 » Sun Jan 6, '13, 12:55 pm

THOUL : Thanks for the answers ! I know that the answer is difficult as it's going to be very different if someone else answers it ! ^^

About the adventure of Rolf, yes, I've seen at another location that his adventure was very far from many of the others ! Unfortunately's logical that all the adventures are not at the same level of greatness ! Or more, it's logical that some of this adventures are greater than the others...

I'll then try them in the order you gave me : or minimum, I'll start with Rolf in Phantasy Star II ! :D
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Re: PSII Text Adventures

Postby Tanith » Sun Jul 14, '13, 8:08 am

I'm a few months late, but I'll add my own rankings:

Anna/Hugh (tie)

I would rank Amy's game higher, but I didn't like how her role is eventually minimized. Overall the story was decent, though. Kain's game is the most fun, in terms of problem solving, humor and story. Rudo's is probably the most adventurous. Unlike most of the other games, Rudo has no friends in his game. It is a lone adventure, and kind of mystical for a non-technique using soldier. Anna's has a great story but has less challenging problem-solving, which kind of took the fun out of it. Hugh's is indeed a great sneak-peek at PSIV, plus there are some touches of humor and an ironic twist at the end. Shir's is cute, as one would expect. Rolf's is... utterly confusing and probably the easiest to beat, but I kind of like it for being so out of place. Nei's is easily the least fun for me because it is bugged (there are workarounds, though). It really needed more quality control. The story is really no surprise.
Last edited by Tanith on Sun Jul 14, '13, 8:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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