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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Aug 7, '10, 10:52 pm

Any fans of the tv show "Supernatural" here?

It's on the WB network now, which was the CW network when the show began.

I understand this show comes on after "Smallville".

I have never watched it on television, but recently checked out Season 1 on DVD from the Library, and now I'm hooked. I'd like to try and watch all the seasons of this show, but I don't think our Library has them all yet.

In the first season, I thought it was very funny that the family, who has the last name of "Winchester" was looking for a "Colt" gun to kill the monsters with. :lol:

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Re: Supernatural

Postby Atlinsmere » Sat Aug 7, '10, 11:06 pm

I own seasons 1-4 hopefully soon 5. So far there are only five seasons, that was Eric Kripke's original plan, however I think there is going to be a season 6, I just don't know what it would be on. I don't want to reveal anything yet for you. But I can assure you, it will be hard to top season 5.

I know that if there is a season 6, Kripke won't be working on the script, but he will be around to help out from what I heard.
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Re: Supernatural

Postby Lucas » Sun Aug 8, '10, 9:14 am

I love the series as well, I currently own seasons 1-4. I’m still awaiting a DVD release of season 5 in Australia.

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Re: Supernatural

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Aug 9, '10, 9:24 pm

Glad to see some others here enjoying this show also. I can't wait to see season 2 and all the rest.

What do you think of these two brothers? Anyone have a favorite bro?

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Re: Supernatural

Postby Atlinsmere » Mon Aug 9, '10, 9:27 pm

I like Dean, Jensen Ackles did him justice and made him seem like such a *. ^_^

Other characters I liked were Castial and Chuck, but they don't show up until season 4.
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Re: Supernatural

Postby Thoul » Mon Aug 9, '10, 10:25 pm

What a coincidence, I just watched the first season on DVD recently, too. I enjoyed it. In a way, a lot of episodes in that season reminded me of the old Knight Rider show. I like shows where the hero(es) ride around from random town to town helping people out.

I agree with Atlin on the brothers - I like Dean the best, as well. Sam is okay, he just wasn't as appealing of a character, at least in that season.
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Re: Supernatural

Postby Atlinsmere » Mon Aug 9, '10, 11:12 pm

Well, in the later seasons both characters develop their own problems. Each with their own seriousness, just depending on people's views, one is just as serious as the other.
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Re: Supernatural

Postby Lucas » Tue Aug 10, '10, 12:09 am

Yeah Dean is my favourite out of the two as well. He knows what he’s doing most of the time and he can be quite funny as well. I also like Castiel but like Atlin said you won’t meet him until season 4.

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Re: Supernatural

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Aug 17, '10, 11:19 pm

Just curious, but wasn't Jensen Ackles, (one of the Winchester brothers) previously on the soap opera "Days Of Our Lives"? I never watched him on there but I have a friend who likes the soaps and I think she has mentioned him a time or two. If I recall, he was very popular on that tv show also. Or it could be someone else. He does seem to have a sense of humor about all this monster chasing, etc., that shines through from time to time.

Does anyone know of any other television or movie work that either of the actors who play brothers have been involved in?

Also, how about the Father. He looks so familiar, but I can't place him from anywhere. Has he done any movies or other tv work?

I like it when the whole family is together ...Father and sons, but it's also awesome when it is just the brothers together alone.

I don't see why people split up in cases like this, though, (fighting monsters, evil, etc.). It seems like the best scenario would be to stay together and watch each other's back, etc. Safety in numbers, I guess you could say. But I digress. It seems like they are all doing fine now the way they've been doing.

I like this show but it gives me a creepy feeling watching it sometimes.

Any one else feel that way?

Also, it has dispelled a lot of things I thought I knew from watching other various movies and programs on subjects, especially such as vampires. Vampires are supposed to sleep in some of the original dirt from their original grave I thought, but not according to this show.

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Re: Supernatural

Postby Atlinsmere » Tue Aug 17, '10, 11:49 pm

When the Winchesters are together, it's always awesome. You can really see the relationship between the character. It's just plain awesome.

The reason why they split up is because they can get more work done. In fact, most Hunters prefer to work alone, though I have seen groups up to three or four work together within the show, but they usually tend to be much smaller roles.

And yes, I felt that creepy feeling a few times throughout the show. It's one of the reasons why I watch the show. I just love how they added Hollywood movie effects into the show. It really added depth to the show. =D

And another thing I like about Supernatural is that while it is based on myths and legends of the supernatural in our world, they add their own spin to them. The vampires are a great example as you've seen. It's been awhile since I watched that episode where they were first introduced, but they end up coming in and out of the show a few times.

And to answer some of your questions;

Here's some of Jensen Ackles' more notable roles;
Dean Winchester - Supernatural
Jason Teague - Smallville
Eric Brady - Days of Our Lives
Tom Hanniger - My Bloody Valentine 3D

Here's some of Jared Padalecki's more notable roles;
Sam Winchester - Supernatural
Dean Forester - Gilmore Girls
Clay Miller - Friday The 13th
Wade - House of Wax

Here's some of Jefferey Morgan's more notable roles;
John Winchester - Supernatural
Denny Duquette - Grey's Anatomy
The Comedian - Watchmen
Dr. Edward Marcase - The Burning Zone
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