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 Post subject: Post Lassic Government
PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, '08, 1:16 am 
Here is a scenario: Alis & friends have just stomped Lassic. Our young heroine is given the option to become queen or not. You're a citizen of Algo, living in whatever place you choose. Remembering all the horrible things the last absolute ruler did, would accept Alis as queen? Or instead, would you support a different structure of government, perhaps one that does not put so much power into the hands of one person?

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Dec 12, '08, 2:00 am 
Well it all depends on the situation really. Theres 2 point of views from what Alis did in her time. From Point A she saved the known universe from Lassics rule so a majority of people would understand why they should have such a brave heroine as their queen.

Now from Point B you have those who believe that Lassics rule was wrong, but at the same time it was their way of life. They would believe that Alis took Lassic of the throne for her own selfish goals. Her becoming Queen would only change the way the universe worked, but at the same time they were still being dictated by someone who had more power then they had. It would be only a matter of time before, much like with Alis and her friends overthrowing Lassic, another group would come to take Alis off the throne.

Now if I lived in that time and place I would probably accept the new Queendom of Alis. I would probably support it in some way but really I would probably just travel around the planet as a swordsman or adventurer or something and help out in jobs for the Queendom in some way but not all the time.

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