Portable 2 is Coming

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Re: Portable 2 is Coming

Postby Tweeg » Tue May 25, '10, 3:20 am

I'll be very upset if they strip out the NGE and FSN content. But otherwise I'll still but the game regardless. Which reminds me.

I still haven't beaten the first PSP. Final boss is insanely difficult. Which for all intensive purposes I'd rather have the final boss insanely difficult than pitifully easy, suach is the final boss in PS0.
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Re: Portable 2 is Coming

Postby XXXG-00W0 WING-0 » Tue May 25, '10, 3:59 am

Prepare yourself to be upset then, because they will most certainly strip the US version of any and all Eva and Fate content. I doubt they'll even leave the Valkyria 2 items.

And regarding the final boss of PSp1, yes, it's difficult, but in my very particular case, it doesn't hold a candle to PSp2's monster of a final boss... Both in terms of coolness and difficulty.
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