Evel Knievel has died

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Evel Knievel has died

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Nov 30, '07, 10:37 pm

Anyone here familiar with the great daredevil and motorcycle jumper, Evel Knievel?

A very sad note today to read that Evel has passed away. He was such a charismatic and one of a kind person, and was such a fixture back in the days of the 1970's, etc., that almost everyone knew his name and about his escapades! There have been several movies made about Evel also.

Evel's son, Robbie Knievel, is also a daredevil and motorcycle jumper as his Father was.

Evel will be very much missed by so many people. :rose: May he rest in peace. :tombstone: The world won't be the same without him around. :cry: :cry: :cry:

http://msn.foxsports.com/other/story/75 ... &GT1=10637

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Postby Neithird » Sun Dec 2, '07, 4:33 pm

That's sad... I remember watching some of his stunts on TV. I always thought he'd meet his end on the back of a motorcycle doing some death defying craziness.
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