Oprah's $10,000 gifts

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Oprah's $10,000 gifts

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Jun 17, '10, 7:19 pm

Talk show host Oprah Winfrey, who also has her own magazine, has given checks of $10,000.00 to each of her magazine staff employees in honor of the magazine's tenth anniversary to thank them for their hard work, etc. She also gave them Apple iPads.


Wow, wouldn't you just love to have a boss like this??

I'm thinking that maybe she could have gotten a good deal or discount on all the iPads, but the $10,000 bucks .... wow!

Has your boss ever given you any gift remotely like this, or even close? Or just anything that you liked at all?

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Re: Oprah's $10,000 gifts

Postby Atlinsmere » Thu Jun 17, '10, 8:28 pm

Old boss once bought the staff a meal at Boston Pizza. It was delicious. And about once every three months he'd buy the staff some icecream if the sales were high enough.
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Re: Oprah's $10,000 gifts

Postby Tsunami » Thu Jun 17, '10, 8:39 pm

It must be nice to have so much money that you can give it away like that. >.>

Er, that aside, I don't have much else to say about this. Other than that was the first thought that came to mind when I read the words "Oprah's", "$10,000", and "gifts". :D
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Re: Oprah's $10,000 gifts

Postby Tanith » Fri Jun 18, '10, 3:06 am

Tsunami wrote:Other than that was the first thought that came to mind when I read the words "Oprah's", "$10,000", and "gifts". :D
Muaha! Me, too.

What has my boss done? Uh... well, I'm a government contractor, so I have about eleventy two bosses as it is. My company doesn't give out bonuses the way some of the other contracting companies do. I don't know if it's cheapness or what. We get shirts every year, but I don't like them. The program management for the contract gives out small bonuses every year. It's usually a $100 Visa gift card, and that's not too shabby. My office holds potlucks and ice cream socials occasionally. I'm not around for any of them because I work the late shift. I don't complain, though. I get paid well, I stay busy, and I'm working to provide security for this country. That's what I'm really interested in.
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Re: Oprah's $10,000 gifts

Postby Thoul » Fri Jun 18, '10, 4:13 am

I wish I could afford to give away that much money, or even worked for someone who gave bonuses like that. :blank:
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