Phantasy Star V

Remixes and original creations by fans - as games, audio, videos or other forms - shine in this spotlight.

What Do you think?

Really amazed and Wanting to play it
Looks good
Its not great but still looks ok
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Pretty Dull if you ask me
I hate your game, how dare you call it phantasy star V.
Total votes : 17

Postby Atlinsmere » Wed Feb 11, '09, 2:11 am

I was looking forward to this so much too... Bummer. Hopefully HTD is working on another project that we will see in the future.
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Postby HTD » Thu Mar 26, '09, 1:43 am

Hey I have started working on the game again, I have already posted a topic on Ps cave .

Id like to post one here but I am not able to use my cpu at moment.

so forgive me heres the link.

Looking for help and feedback thanks
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Postby Atlinsmere » Thu Mar 26, '09, 9:47 pm

Wow! That looks amazing! I have to say I'm very impressed. Also that one statue in the town reminds me of Hahn.

But either way it looks amazing! Keep up the great work.
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Postby Srijita » Sat Mar 28, '09, 10:47 pm

I'll second those comments. The images look fabulous! :clap: This seems to be quite an ambitious and effort-intensive project, but I'm sure you'll be able to count on the moral support of the PS Community to continue with it.
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Postby HTD » Sun Mar 29, '09, 3:50 am

Atlinsmere wrote:Wow! That looks amazing! I have to say I'm very impressed. Also that one statue in the town reminds me of Hahn.

But either way it looks amazing! Keep up the great work.

Hahn indeed
Thanks and good luck with the nes remake of 4.

Srijita thanks for the kind words.
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Re: Phantasy Star V - Fan Game for Dreamcast and PC

Postby Darkil » Tue Nov 3, '09, 8:26 pm

Wow those screens are awesome. Glad to see you decided to pick it back up. How're things coming along btw?
Shhh my common sense is tingling
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Re: Phantasy Star V - Fan Game for Dreamcast and PC

Postby Abominae » Tue Nov 3, '09, 10:16 pm

You HAVE to rework a lot of stuff for this to work.

Namely the what Tsunami mentioned, along with Demi (that character should just be scrapped, i.m.o. - As you're using Wren, where is the original Demi? Please don't tell me that's her). A lot of storyline work needs to be fixed.

Since you posted it on PSCave... get Benoit to rework the storyline for you. He knows it better than anyone I know.

The game has much potential, but I don't think you'll realize it if you keep going with what you have so far.

Good luck.
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Re: Phantasy Star V - Fan Game for Dreamcast and PC

Postby HTD » Mon Oct 25, '10, 8:57 pm

Abominae wrote:You HAVE to rework a lot of stuff for this to work.

Namely the what Tsunami mentioned, along with Demi (that character should just be scrapped, i.m.o. - As you're using Wren, where is the original Demi? Please don't tell me that's her). A lot of storyline work needs to be fixed.

Since you posted it on PSCave... get Benoit to rework the storyline for you. He knows it better than anyone I know.

The game has much potential, but I don't think you'll realize it if you keep going with what you have so far.

Good luck.

Thanks for the advice but your ill informed.

Firstly what I have displayed here is about 2 years old or so.
So characters are all different now, Demi and Wren (PS4) are not featured in the game, Demi (PSV) no longer exists.

Benoit is doing excellent things over at the PS Cave so for now he probably is too busy to help.
But every bit of the story has been changed reshaped, I made sure to not give out the full thing and have only used hints of its real tale.

Appreciate the comments though.
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Re: Phantasy Star V

Postby Atlinsmere » Mon Oct 25, '10, 10:01 pm

Woah, I forgot this even existed. Nice to see you again HTD, even if it's only for a glimpse.
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