Phantasy Star Sequal (my fangame)

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Re: Phantasy Star Sequal (my fangame)

Postby Mikepjr » Sat Jun 14, '14, 3:07 am

When did i put myself down? O.o
And i do enjoy it, but i want others to enjoy what i got to. Ya know?
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Re: Phantasy Star Sequal (my fangame)

Postby Aeroprism » Sat Jun 14, '14, 3:28 am

Mikepjr wrote:When did i put myself down? O.o

Meh, nowhere in particular I guess, but you sound like you don't believe you can pull off a win. I believe you can. Anyways, don't worry about it, just keep up the good work.

Mikepjr wrote:but i want others to enjoy what i got to. Ya know?

That, I can 150% relate to.
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Re: Phantasy Star Sequal (my fangame)

Postby Mikepjr » Sat Jun 14, '14, 5:58 am

Don't worry, i enjoy what you got. It's different for sure, but real good. ^_~
*Whistles softly and casually walks up and slips this onto the board*

I went for a metal vibe... but i also added some strings and brass section.
Sounds pretty good to me.
Getting the levels just right was a bit of a pain though.
I did this thing where i recorded each instrument track seperately, and adjusted the volumes and did some clipping and so forth.. Personally i love it, but i could see where the volume could maybe use some work on each track.

*slips 2 more on the board* ... 0on%21.ogg
Meet them head on! I always wanted this theme to sound more... i dunno.. square soft sounding.. that was the intent heading into this. I think it paid off. ... 20Rock.ogg
I tried to make Rise or fall sound more rock like.. i always thought the theme would sound good with a less synth sound...

Ever since i heard the remixes from PSG2.. i cringed and thought it all sounded like horrible renditions... so it drove me to make this.

BTW.. if anyone uses these, at least give credit for it.. i mean i rather people not use them.. but if they do, credit me for the work.. and credit SEGA for the originals.
And please don't take credit for them.
Last edited by Mikepjr on Sat Jun 14, '14, 5:58 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Phantasy Star Sequal (my fangame)

Postby Aeroprism » Sat Jun 14, '14, 3:25 pm

Mkay, listened to all three multiple times. I have lots to say about each, good and bad.

Short version: Good job, your volume control remains very strong, but there are a lot of things I would change on each. I can post the long version here or via PM, or not at all your choice.
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Re: Phantasy Star Sequal (my fangame)

Postby Bragatyr » Sat Jun 14, '14, 5:22 pm

I really like the second main section on Laughter, when the higher part comes in, that sounded nice. Meet Them Head On sounds cool, and I really like Rise or Fall. Also, don't feel bad about wanting to tear your hair out about this stuff, I know Aeroprism and I always really struggle with all these decisions, it's hard to make a piece of music sound the way you want it.

But yeah, I think In the Cave sounds fine, probably my favorite of the four you've posted.
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Re: Phantasy Star Sequal (my fangame)

Postby Mikepjr » Sat Jun 14, '14, 8:25 pm

Aeroprism wrote:Mkay, listened to all three multiple times. I have lots to say about each, good and bad.

Short version: Good job, your volume control remains very strong, but there are a lot of things I would change on each. I can post the long version here or via PM, or not at all your choice.

I sent a PM, go ahead and let me know.
I'm do
Bragatyr wrote:I really like the second main section on Laughter, when the higher part comes in, that sounded nice. Meet Them Head On sounds cool, and I really like Rise or Fall. Also, don't feel bad about wanting to tear your hair out about this stuff, I know Aeroprism and I always really struggle with all these decisions, it's hard to make a piece of music sound the way you want it.

But yeah, I think In the Cave sounds fine, probably my favorite of the four you've posted.

Thanks man.
I will say this though... i think they could sound way worse... i spent hours on Meet them head on, getting the right instruments and volume almost made me pull what little hair i have out.
Same with Rise or Fall.

I don't think there is one of these that i did not have to record some instruments for each track and then adjust volumes for each instrument in Audacity.

Actually, a few of these midis i got had one instrument track i broke into 2 instruments on said tracks.
Basically it would have one instrument throughout, and i recorded one half of the track with one instrument, then recorded the other part of the track with another instrument.. adjusted volumes at different points, and then played it all together to get what i wanted.
Like laughter.. the brass section and the high pitched strings were on the same track and were the same instrument, and i just made them into 2.

I feel like some instruments could be louder at some points though, and i might change them up later.
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Re: Phantasy Star Sequal (my fangame)

Postby Aeroprism » Sat Jun 14, '14, 8:33 pm

Okidoo, I'll write my thoughts. Did you want them here or directly via PM? The advantage of putting them here is that Bragatyr can participate in the discussion.

I'll write my post on a word document and send it via the means of your choice as soon as I read your answer.
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Re: Phantasy Star Sequal (my fangame)

Postby Mikepjr » Sat Jun 14, '14, 9:01 pm

I guess if it would benefit more than me, then yeah the thread is fine.
Only reason i said PM at first was because if i get ansy i rather the board not see lol >_<
Then again.. i think i been good so far~
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Re: Phantasy Star Sequal (my fangame)

Postby Aeroprism » Sat Jun 14, '14, 9:03 pm

Tell you what: I give my input here and if for some reason you need to yell at me, use PMs.

Everyone wins.
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Re: Phantasy Star Sequal (my fangame)

Postby Mikepjr » Sat Jun 14, '14, 9:07 pm

ROFL.. no i won't yell..
Knowing me i will get moody and sigh a lot lol >_<
I don't really get angry, just kinda sad some times.. i'm weird like that.
But i been holding it together pretty well as of late.
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