I used be a big collector of rare games, mostly sealed. At times I would spend thousands of dollars per month on rare sealed games. I have since corrected my ways and I am no longer doing it.
There are several reasons that doing this is dumb.
1. I found myself buying two copies of games because I would buy one and keep one sealed <---dumb
2. I spent tons of money on the games and I got little of it back <------ dumb
3. Special edition and collectors edition games are very bulky <--- pain in the butt to store
4. People are asking for ridiculous prices on old sealed games and if you want them, you have to pay it <------ dumb
Here is an example:
http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/ ... 242&sr=1-1Yeah $1300 for a new copy of Panzer Dragoon Saga, yeah, okay.
5. Space <----- becomes a HUGE problem. When amassing all of these games (which you cannot play unless you buy 2 copies) they need to be stored somewhere, and while I do live alone and I have tons of closet space in my house, it got to the point where I just had crap everywhere. It was cool to go onto forums and say that I had "X" game sealed, but that was pretty much the only benefit, and it grows old.
To sum up. Collecting games = dumb. Buying games to play them = much more satisfying and is less expensive. I've been through this. I'm not just making this stuff up.