Phantasy Star IV: Still a Little Slow

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Phantasy Star IV: Still a Little Slow

Postby Thoul » Thu Aug 27, '09, 12:18 am

Early in the game, after defeating the first boss, Alys remarks to Chaz that he needs more practice in battle with the comment, "Your swing is too slow!" Much later, after healing the stone curse cast on the people of Zema, the Hunters must face another boss similar to that early one. In this scene, that creature lies dead in the street with the victorious warriors standing over it. Chaz questions Alys on his progress. She responds that it is a "little better now." Sounds like he has more practice ahead of him!


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Re: Phantasy Star IV: Still a Little Slow

Postby newsblade » Thu Aug 27, '09, 7:29 pm

[On Anger Tower (Ryucross), after defeating Alys]

CHAZ: Eheh...How is it now, Alys?
RE-FAZE: *sigh*
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Re: Phantasy Star IV: Still a Little Slow

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Jan 7, '19, 7:00 am

Bumping up this former Image Of The Day!

Lol, will Chaz every get it right?

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Re: Phantasy Star IV: Still a Little Slow

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Jan 16, '24, 6:40 pm

Chaz just needs more practice!

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Re: Phantasy Star IV: Still a Little Slow

Postby myau56 » Tue Jan 16, '24, 6:51 pm

More practice, that is for sure ! :)
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