Phantasy Star IV: Stuff It!

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Phantasy Star IV: Stuff It!

Postby Thoul » Sat Sep 13, '08, 8:15 am

Chaz has listened patiently as Le Roof explained the nature of the Profound Darkness, the Great Light, and the secret origin of Algo. Unfortunately, our young hero has not been pleased with what he has heard. He tells Le Roof that he wants no part of the Great Light's "mission" or battle, especially since the Great Light has handed down this task and then gone off to do other things (went to Shining Force, maybe? ;)).

A lot of people dislike Chaz for his reactions here. What do you think of it? Would you have taken up the battle, or told Le Roof "Stuff It!"?

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Re: Phantasy Star IV: Stuff It!

Postby Srijita » Sat Sep 13, '08, 11:43 am

[face=Times New Roman]
Thoul wrote: A lot of people dislike Chaz for his reactions here. What do you think of it?

He’s a sixteen year-old boy, and he’s just been informed that the weight of the entire solar system (if not the universe) is on his shoulders! Under the circumstances, I’d say his reaction was more than natural. All credit is due to the game developers for creating a three-dimensional character, with moments of doubt and defiance, rather than some idealised conception of a hero.

His misgivings are still more understandable if one considers his background. Chaz Ashley lost his parents at a young age, grew up in an orphanage, but was thrown out when the institution ran into financial difficulties. He had turned to a life of petty crime when Alys took him off the streets and gave him a home. Hence, she was not just his mentor, but also the only “family” he ever knew.

Alys gives her life for him. After her death, events escalate such that Chaz has to fight one battle after another, with scarcely any breathing space to grieve, adjust, or reflect over his direction in life. Unlike Rune and Kyra, who grew up in the Esper mansion, Chaz knows nothing about the history of Algo, the recurring thousand-year cycle, or the impending resurrection of Dark Force. To him, it all comes as one shocking revelation after another.

Before he can find a life purpose for himself, it is foisted on him by Le Roof, who tells him that he was destined from birth to fulfil the role of a “Protector”. He is a vulnerable adolescent, suddenly confronted with overwhelming responsibility, imposed on him by an absent and hitherto unknown entity (“The Great Light”). Small wonder that he decides to exert his autonomy.

The sensitivity with which Rune handles his outburst also demonstrates the depth of his empathy for Chaz and his commitment to acting as a nurturing “parent” figure, in spite of his outward sharpness and frequent jibes at the boy's expense.
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Postby Lucas » Sat Sep 13, '08, 12:12 pm

If you think about it having the entire algo universe on your shoulders with millions of people counting on you it would be pretty scary just think what would have happened if you failed to defeat the profound darkness. I don't blame Chaz for freaking out and getting angry at all. Not a sitaution I'd like to be in unless I really had too.

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Re: Phantasy Star IV: Stuff It!

Postby Thoul » Sun Sep 14, '08, 5:01 pm

Srijita wrote:His misgivings are still more understandable if one considers his background. Chaz Ashley lost his parents at a young age, grew up in an orphanage, but was thrown out when the institution ran into financial difficulties. He had turned to a life of petty crime when Alys took him off the streets and gave him a home. Hence, she was not just his mentor, but also the only “family” he ever knew.

To be fair though, no one knows that when playing the game for the first time. We know it now only from learning more about expansion on the series (the Drama CD) and the creative process that went into the game. Nothing of Chaz's past, except Alys being his mentor, is covered in the game itself.

Srijita wrote:The sensitivity with which Rune handles his outburst also demonstrates the depth of his empathy for Chaz and his commitment to acting as a nurturing “parent” figure, in spite of his outward sharpness and frequent jibes at the boy's expense.

Yes, Rune handled it extremely well. Alys did a great job with putting Chaz on the right path, but Rune helped him to stay on that.
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Re: Phantasy Star IV: Stuff It!

Postby Srijita » Sun Sep 14, '08, 7:32 pm

[face=Times New Roman]
Thoul wrote: To be fair though, no one knows that when playing the game for the first time. We know it now only from learning more about expansion on the series (the Drama CD) and the creative process that went into the game. Nothing of Chaz's past, except Alys being his mentor, is covered in the game itself.

Yes, I see your point, Thoul – I gleaned most of that from Rebecca’s translation of the PS Compendium. But isn’t much of it implied in the game itself? The manual states that “Chaz was a child of the streets, headed for a rough future until the Hunter Alys Brangwin took him under her wing”.

After Alys’s death, Rune has a heart-to-heart with Chaz out on the balcony and he says: “Before Alys picked me up, I did some pretty bad things.”

One way or another, it doesn’t suggest a happy childhood with unconditional love and respectful limit-setting in a nurturing environment. :wink:

As you note, Chaz gets a lot of negative press for his defiance here. It just surprises me that people don’t have more sympathy for him. Even if one overlooks his background, he’s just a 16-year-old kid (much as he may object to being referred to as such). Surely adolescence is tough enough without being handed responsibility for civilisation as we know it. :wink:
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Postby Thoul » Mon Sep 15, '08, 9:15 pm

Good point, I forgot about the scene after Alys' death. The manual... well, I guess that depends on if one has it and read it. Could go either way, there.

Even if one overlooks his background, he’s just a 16-year-old kid (much as he may object to being referred to as such). Surely adolescence is tough enough without being handed responsibility for civilisation as we know it. :wink:

I think a lot of people don't see him as just a 16-year-old kid. I mean, he is, you're right there. It's just that with all he goes through, he seems older and more mature than one would expect from a kid. Then at this point he sort of throws off the responsibility and maturity people had envisioned him with.

It certainly adds an interesting element and emotional conflict to his character, at any rate.
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Re: Phantasy Star IV: Stuff It!

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Nov 11, '17, 8:56 pm

Bumping up this former Image Of The Day!

Chaz has been handed a massive mission so his feelings are possibly understandable.

The phrase " Stuff It " seems rather tame to what he might say, I think. :wink:

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Re: Phantasy Star IV: Stuff It!

Postby myau56 » Thu Nov 16, '17, 1:11 pm

Chaz had a big burden on his shoulders so we can understand him being a bit shocked ! :)
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Re: Phantasy Star IV: Stuff It!

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Apr 4, '23, 10:13 pm

Chaz can be feisty lol.

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Re: Phantasy Star IV: Stuff It!

Postby myau56 » Wed Apr 5, '23, 12:29 pm

Rudy/Chaz our hero !
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